Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet



Major Flooding in Bures during 1956

Sue McFarlane from Australia wrote:
My father was born in Bures and when young I spent some of my school holidays, we all came to Australia in 1959. My fathers name name was Merlyn Stebbing and his Uncle was Arthur Stebbing who was also verger of St Mary's Church,
I still keep in contact with Dulcie Cardy who I knew as a child as her Family lived next door to my Uncle along the Colchester Road.
Dated 09/11/2009

My grandmother was Kate Elizabeth Cox nee Stebbing, her mother was Emily Susan Stebbing nee Harvey Emily's Husband was Arthur Stebbing snr , Dad was Merlyn Arthur William Stebbing, Arthur, William, and my dad were bell ringers in the church. When I visited in 2014 I met a man who knew Arthur who had rung bells with his father. Arthur was my great Uncle and he was verger at the church for many years.

Rope thrown to My Leyland and his tractor to pull out the lorry

View for B1508 Road Bridge

Looking towards Mount Bures from the turning along the Colchester Rd.

Gas Work Cottages, note the people at the bedroom windows

Possibly just past Normadie Way along the B1508

Publiahed 02/01/2009