The property on the junction with Cuckoo
Hill and the High St was sold by Church`s Seeds to Vaughan & Blyth
for residential development.
Maltings Cottage, a GradeII listed building was previously occupied by
Sammy and Jean Saers, who vacated the property during early December 2004.
To give some indication of the age of the
building, a tie rod is date stamped 1824.
Empty Granary Jan
Refurbished Granary,
completed Jan 2006
Maltings Cottage
Re-furbished Maltings
Cottage 2006
Maltings Cottage
Garden 2005, Front
Maltings Cottage
Garden 2005, Rear
One Garden = 5 Houses
Cuckoo Hill entrance,
Jan 2005
New Cuckoo Hill
entrance, Jan 2006
Verdict:- Excellent refurbishment.