Very little is known about this
property, apart from the references listed below:-
(a) Court Rolls of 1769 indicate, John Patterson as Landlord
with Thomas Rayner as Tenant paying £3.8s rent annually
Ref: Ida Mcmasters Book page 138
(b) Philip
Salmon Snr father of (c) married Mary Game (possibly 1776)farmed
this property but dates unknown
Presumably between (a)1769 and (c)1841
(c) Philip Salmon Jnr, (b
Philip Salmon was born in 1781 in Bures St Mary and was baptised
there in 1782.
In 1804 he married Elizabeth Leggett in West Bergholt. She died
in 1825,
He subsequently married Lydia Mills in Little Bromley Church 3rd
April 1832, although he was a resident of Mount Bures
Later to be Tenant of Balls Farm as shown in Census returns for
1848 and 1851
Farm consisted of 110 acres acres with 4 farm labourers
Philip died in 1853, and his wife Lydia 5 years later.
His daughter, Mary Salmon b1814 married John Newman
(d) Mount
Bures Workhouse 1841.
The Poor House did not last long. It was sold by the Guardians
at the Sudbury Union to Mrs Mary Newman, wife of John Newman,
miller, and daughter of Philip Salmon of Balls farm
(e)Whites Trade Directory 1848
Philip Salmon, Farmer
(f)Register of Electors County
of Essex 1841/42

This seems to indicate the Salmons were tenant farmers. The owner
being Joseph Wilkinson
(g)1851 Mount Bures
Philip Salmon b1781, so at this Census date he would have been
(h) 1853, Philip
Salmon deceased
(i) History of Wormingford Airfield
" Wormingford was originally earmarked for an Eighth Heavy
Bomb Group, being built by Richard Costain Ltd. and helped by
a number of sub contractors during the period 1942/1943"
How could it have been in operation in 1942, when the Balls Farm
photographed in June 1943, shows it still standing
(j) 1871 Census
John Clampin age 37 Head (Labourer)
Eliza Clampin age 33 Wife

(k) British History online
"In 1943 the airfield was extended to provide 3 runways,
2 hangars, 50 aircraft parking areas, and living quarters for
3,000 men"
This seems to be a more likely statement
(l)Ida McMaster in her bóok
"Mount Bures Its Lands and its Peoples" makes
only two references:-
Page 91:- No early records have been found for Balls Farm,
they may well be with the War Department"
Page 104- see reference above (a) but with the addition of:- "Balls
was demolished in 1942 for the war time airfield"
(m) Arthur Bartholomew, Farmer
Recorded in 1911 Census, aged 40 married to Bertha
Son Alan together with Harriet Green, Mother in law
Recorded as farmer in the 1914 Kellys Trade Directory
Last known Tenant
****Further references concerning:-
Philip Salmon, wife Elizabeth and their 3 children
(1)Philip (1816-1880),
(3)Henry around 1920.
In 1841, Henry was living with brother Philip at Sturgeons, Canewdon,
On the 1851 census, Henry was a tenant farmer with 40 acres and
2 workers in Fordham, and in 1861, it's listed as Crooks Farm,
then in 1871 as Crookes Farm.
By 1881 Henry was an agricultural labourer living in Heath, Fordham
The father of the Philip Salmon
who farmed at Ball's Farm was also called Philip, and his mother
was Mary Game
Research Alan Beales 25/02/2017
updated 20/3/2017
Clampin update 12/2018
****With thanks to Pauline Philips, descendant of Philip Salmon
for additional information on the family connection with Balls