The property can be dated
to approximately 1680, however its origins are much earlier as other records
indicate there were dwellings on the site from the early 14th century
It once belong to the vast estates of the College of Stoke by Clare, which
held vast swathes of land in Bures Hamlet.
Essex Records Office has it mentioned in the Will of John Harvey, of Bures
Hamlet, Butcher, 6th November 1759.
A Codici to this Willl:- 22 August 1763.
Revokes annuity of £5 to daughter Mary, wife of Samuel Leswell,and
confirms the annuity of £9 to w. Ann, and £5 to daughter Ann,
but charges the former be charged on his farm and lands called Butlers
in Bures Hamlet
There is a book reference to "a house
on new land called Butlers" this was circa 1650 to a marriage contract
between Spring Wincoll (Colchester),and a lady ( name unknown)
Although there are numrous footpaths across
the farmland, do respect Butlers being Private Property,