Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet



John Constable RA

John Constable had family links with Bures, owning property in
Bures Hamlet and Mount Bures.

John Constable was born at East Bergholt, in Suffolk, on June 11th, 1776, and it was within a radius of a few miles from this village that he found the subjects of the greater number of his most celebrated pictures.
His father, Golding Constable, was a man of some means, holding considerable property in the district. He was a miller by trade, owning the water mills at Flatford and Dedham, and two windmills near East Bergholt, all of them familiar friends to lovers of Constable's landscapes. At the latter place he built himself, in 1774, a substantial house. He married a Miss Ann Watts, and had a family of three sons and three daughters.

John Constables great-grandfather settled as a farmer at Bures, on the border line between Suffolk and Essex.

Maria Constable (wife) died in Hampstead and then John later on 31/03/1837, both are buried in Hampstead

This is a small part of John Constables family tree showing his connection with Bures.


Property held by the Constable family:-

CORRECTION:- John Constable mothers name was Ann not Anne.
Anne and Golding Constable are both buried in East Bergholt churchyard

John Constables cousin,

Abram Constable:- Born: 1742, Bures St Mary, Suffolk
Died:. 1812, Bures St Mary, Suffolk
Spouse:- KINGSBURY, Mary daughter of Joseph Kingsbury, land owner at Mount Bures.

Abram and his sister Mary often visited the Garrads at "Secretaries" for dances and parties

Abram had a son named after him
Abram Constable (1768 -1856) owned property (now called Abram Constables) in Sudbury Rd, Bures and Mount Bures,
Married to Catherine.

**Thomas Newman tenant of "The Hall, Mount Bures died in 1790 His wife Anne Constable relative to John Constable died in 1776

**Property known as No1 and 2 (Fullmans) Colchester Road, Mount Bures.

1769 - owned by Joseph Kingsbury
1781 -Becca Kingsbury (daughter) inherited property when she married James Brett

1829 - Becca Kinsgbury Died 1829, Abram Constable inherited No1 and 2(Fullmans) Colchester Rd, Mount Bures.
Abram`s father married Mary Kingsbury, sister of Joseph Kingsbury

1838 - the property and land was shown to be owned by a "John Constable", not the artist

**Property called "Hobbs Well", Mount Bures.
1781 - 1821, James and Becca Brett owners. Becca was daughter of Joseph Kingsbury, her sister Mary, married Abram Constable
1829 - Abram Constable nephew and heir to Becca sold Hobbs Well.

**Property called "Elms Farm" Mount Bures.
1769 - Owned by Joseph Kingsbury
1808 - Martha Kingsbury, widow of Joseph died holding Elm Farm lease
1826 - Abram Constable relative of Martha leased the farm with 119 acres.

**Ref "Mount Bures its Land and People"


Gernons, Wormingford.
1791:- the Manor of Gernons was acquired by Abram Constable, the uncle of John Constable and it is said the artist spent long holidays at Gernons painting pictures of trees. Abram was succeeded by his son Abram Constable junior.
1841- George Nottidge bought the farm but Abram Constable continued to farm the land for several more years.

Ref:- Winifred Beaumont a "History of Wormingford"

Wormingford Hall:- farmed by another of John Constables relatives, most probably Abram

GOLDING CONSTABLE had a brother Abram, a son Abram and a nephew Abram.
JOHN CONSTABLE MA had a brother Abram, a cousin Abram and an uncle Abram.