In 1845, eight
years after Queen Victoria ascended the throne, a cricket match
began between Bures and Great Bentley. The Essex team batted all
day, scoring 301 runs for the loss of nine wickets, which in those
days was an exceptional score.
The match was being
played for a barrel of beer and the stakes were therefore high!
It is said that after the teams had left the field to quench their
thirst at a nearby inn, the Bures captain protested that his side
had fielded all day and had not been given a chance to bat. He received
the reply: 'You can have your innings in 100 years' time.'
I wonder if the beer would still drinkable ?
On the death of the secretary of the Great Bentley Cricket Club,
his widow found a paper bearing the score of this now historic game
and she handed it over to his nephew, Mr. E. P. Nevard, who was
himself then Secretary.
In 1956 Mr. Carl Morton, chairman of the Cricket Club, suggested that
the match should be finished, an idea the Bures Cricket Club gladly accepted.
It was agreed that the match should be completed as far as possible according
to the laws of 1845- four-ball, under-arm overs and the players dressed
in ruffled shirts, silk scarves and top hats.
During 2017, I came across an article in the local "East Anglian
Magazine" (right) describing a cricket match held on the recreation
ground in 1957, which was an exact re-enactment of a game
played in 1845 between Gt Bentley and Bures Cricket Club.
The match was also featured in numerous other newspapers
I was also very fortunate in contacting
Robin Springett who lived in "The Croft", who participated
in the 1957 match.
Robin was able to identify all of the Bures Team members.
The BBC at that time, had been advertising the launch of their new
web site "BBC Redrawn" which was the online location of
their archived material.
A search of "Bures" only revealed one entry - The 1957
Cricket Match
Its only 1min 12sec in duration, but with no sound
Click on this icon to Play
Courtesy of BBC
On a damp Saturday in June 1957 a
wagonette drawn by two horses and driven by Alec Thompson attired
in smock and Cavendish gaiters drew up at the Bures 'Eight Bells'.
The Bentley team, in their Victorian cricket costume, together with
their supporters in crinolines and poke bonnets, were welcomed by
'mine host', George Boulton, with ale for the team and water and
lumps of sugar for the horses.
Supporters of the Bures team, the men folk wearing their best cravats
and top hats, escorted the ladies in their long dresses and lace
caps to the recreation ground (right)

Issue dated 1957

Snapshot taken from the BBC archive
Before setting off
from the Eight Bells,
a "toast" was made using the Stirrup
Cup (right)

The Great Bentley Team
suitably attired in Top Hats, side whiskers, black boots and mufflers
arrive in style at the Cricket Pavilion.
As it might have done
112 years before, the church clock chimed the hour as the Bentley
team left the thatched pavilion to take the field for the second
day's play.
Photo courtesy of the
Suffolk Free Press

Suitably attired in 1840 clothing,
Harry Morton and Harry Munson
are the first out to bat.

Bures Cricket Team.
Photo courtesy of the Bures Cricket Club.
Springett (now dec)supplied all of the 1957 team names.
AMENDMENT:- Lez Binks to read Les Binks
Great Bentley had been
practicing under-arm bowling and Bures soon lost the wicket of Harry
Munson, the captain with the score only 13.
Then Frank Bullivant was run out-two wickets down for 53. The Bures
captain, Harry Morton, was joined by David Hume and the score began
to increase.
Hume batted merrily along, passing the century mark and scoring
124 before being dismissed with a fine running catch by Phillip
Harry Morton made 54,
Leslie Binks 47 and Peter Baker 44. So with only five wickets lost
and the score at 285 Bures appeared well set for an easy win.
Then Peter Nevard dismissed Baker, Robin Springett and Edgar Warden
with successive balls.
The Bures score stood at 300, two runs short of victory. Then, Maurice
Cansdale made the winning hit and Bures had won the match of the

Harry Munson takes the first ball from the Gt Bentley bowler.
The supporting ladies
in their long dresses and lace caps (right)
Photo courtesy of
Bures Cricket Club
Edgar Wardens wife
was also known as "Denny".
The memory of this historic match
will long remain, for from the ashes of the game on 22 June, a trophy
has arisen.
After the game the bails were burnt and the ashes placed in a walnut
casket. For this trophy an annual cricket match will take place
between Bures and Great Bentley, two teams which until 1957 had
not met since 1845.
It will be noticed from the score card, as was the custom of the
time, the bowler was given no credit for a wicket unless the stumps
were hit.
With both teams visiting the Eight
Bells before the match started, it can be assumed that the effects
of drink played a large part in the game.
This most unusual game
was widely reported in the press at the time, with entries in the:-
October 1957 edition
of East Anglian magazine,
The June 26 edition of the Suffolk Free Press,
The June 28 edition of the Chronicle and Mercury
The Essex Chronicle
and last but not least a front-page mention in the News of the World
Bures Cricket Club Pitch.
The first games were played at Bakers
Hall. It is believed around 1921 the Cricket Club moved to the Recreation
Ground in Nayland Road.
The site of the present
day pitch was formerly part of Bures Vicarage and called "Vicarage
This was purchased by Mr & Mrs Thomas Wood for the community
in the early 1940`s and is the site of the present day cricket pitch.
Suffolk Free Press, August 27th
Essex Herald Sept 28th 1841
Report of a match between the Single gentlemen and Married gentlemen
of Bures.
Played on Bures Marsh ?
Free Press and Post, 9th July 1938
Suffolk and Essex Free Press,2nd
September 1858
Published 11/01/2017
Updated 25/07/2022 with BBC Rewind Video
Revised 2023
Alan Beales