Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet



Bures Directory of Local Services, Voluntary and Charity Organisations

Note:- It`s up to individual/organisations to inform the web site of any changes to their listing.
Consequently, I cannot be responsible for any out of date entries

Doctors Surgery Church Square, Bures. Tel 01787 227529
Police Station, Sudbury: Acton Lane, Sudbury, CO10 1QN, Tel 01473 613500
Post Office - early closing Wednesday & Saturdays at 12.30pm Church Square, Bures. Tel 01787 227252
Primary School
Nayland Road, Bures. Tel 01787 227446
Religious Organisations:-
St Mary`s C of E Church

Baptist Church

St Mary & Hamlet Parish Councils- http://bures.onesuffolk.net/
Babergh District Council Endeavour House, Ipswich, Tel 0300 1234000, www.babergh.gov.uk
Braintree District Council

Braintree District Council, Causeway House, Braintree
Tel:- 01376 331616

Ferriers Barn (admin:-Nikki Skews) https://www.ferriersbarn.com/

Clubs and Charities

1st Bures Scout Group

Including:- Beavers, Cubs, Explorers and the Scouts

Tony Waring
Group Scout Leader

Email:- 1stburesscoutgroup@gmail.com

Tel: 01787 228024

Farmers Market and
Use of The Common

Ken Jackson Maltings farm, Nayland Road, Bures. CO8 5BL
01787 227860
Transition Bures Ken Jackson 01787 227860
History Society Leigh Alston http://burescc.onesuffolk.net/home/organisations/
01787 228016
Age UK Advice line 0800 169 2081
Darby and Joan Carol Barnham 01787 228417
Bures Stage Society Jennie McCrory
01787 228194
Royal British Legion Jennie McCrory 01787 228194
Bowls Club Ray Baxter Tel:- 01787 227947
Art Group Chris Potter http://burescc.onesuffolk.net/home/organisations/
01787 227081
Traidcraft Sales Carol Barnham 01787 228417
Bures United Youth Football Club Peter Heard 07929 529036
Bures Womens Institute Sandi Fagioli
Contact No:- 01787 228261
Baptist Church Activities Contact the Baptist Church http://www.buresbaptistchurch.org/
Bures Cricket Club Jim Lee

07908 722879

WRVS Carol Barnham 01787 228417
Horticultural Soc Peter Holbrook 01787 228296
Bures Music Festival see their web site
River Stour Trust see their web site 01787 313100/313199
Suffolk Wildlife Trust see their web site

Noah's Ark Nursery Group
Village Hall
Jan McShane email:- hello@noahsarknurserygroup.com
Community Agent Jayne Laken 07540 720607
Bures Dragons Archery Club

Bakers Hall,Colne Road, Bures, Essex, CO8 5DJ
Bures Open Gardens No information supplied
Bures Steel Quoits on the Common Kevin Leggett
(Team Captain)
Kevin at kj.leggett@gmail.com
or Twitter (Bures Steel Quoits)
or http://www.bures-online.co.uk/Quoits/quoits.htm

Not all representatives wish to have their home telephone numbers published.
These can be obtained from the local telephone directory or make your own enquiries

Revised 27/11/23