If you do not want to leave a message and just want to read the Board
To leave a message read this first
If you
Register and do not publish a Message within one month, your details will
be deleted
your registration has been activated, it`s up to you to publish your message
on the Board.
Please feel free to post your views if they will be of interest to other
Choose the category (ie, Bures at War) then either START
a new topic or REPLY to an existing message.
It goes without saying that malicious messages or any form of advertising
will be deleted instantly.
New Users will be required
to Register before you can post a message
on the Board.
Click on
top right of the opening Forum page.
Your e-mail address is essential, because I need to reply authorising
your access.
e-mails are definitely not
harvested by me or anyone else for marketing purposes.
Any new users Registering will unfortunately have to wait for authorisation
before posting any messages.
This is to deter potential spammers
- I normally reply within 12 hrs of signing-up.
Existing Users just LOG-IN
with your User Name and Pasword that you used to register.

Common Question:-
Can I post Images?
There is no facility at present for uploading images from your PC directly
to this board.
In the past this had led to advertising material being posted