Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet


Community Dig in Bures June 25 - 29th 2012

Day No 4.

The most interesting feature is now that trench No 2 is filling up with water ?
Is this the water table or signs of the lost stream

Click on the photographs to enlarge and use in conjunction with the map.


Trench No 1 is now becoming the focal point of the dig
Brick wall and the distant end of the trench is becoming increasingly damp
Wall presumably from the properties which once
stood along this edge of the Common
Plenty of bones and pottery being unearthed
Plenty of bones and pottery being unearthed

Now, look what I have found ?
( gentleman in shirt)

The greatest find of the entire week,
bronze/roman earing

As there were no other bronze objects found on the Common, why was this there ?

Could it have been dropped by someone just passing through the village ?