Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet


Community Dig in Bures June 25 - 29th 2012

Day No 5

The most interesting feature is now that tall three trenches have filled with water
In trench No1 beside the road, pieces of wood have been found approximately 2m deep
Could this be a Lighter or possibly a footbridge over the stream

Click on the photographs to enlarge and use in conjunction with the map.


Trench No 1 filled with water
Bottom of trench No 1
Trench No2 filled with water
Trench No3 filled with water
Trench No3 filled with water
Plenty of bones
Pottery finds
Children from Bures Primary School,
enthusiastically helping with the dig
Washing and cleaning the excavated items
Test pit near to the wooden barn (see map)
Pupils from Great Cornard Upper School
(see Test Pit page)
Metal detector to see if anything was overlooked