On Friday 18th September a number
of villagers met in the Bures Community Centre for refreshments
and to hear the final financial statement of the Europa Bures weekend.
Ian Gibbs thanked the large number of people who had supported the
weekend in so many different ways. He highlighted the work of the
committee who had met regularly over the last twelve months and
given a considerable amount of time and effort towards the whole
Clive Gilham, Treasurer, gave a detailed report on the accounts.
He explained that the weekend had been financed through donations
from Essex and Suffolk County Councils, the three Parish Councils,
individuals and local businesses as well as fund raising events.
This amounted to approximately £10,000.
He also outlined the heavy costs incurred in running the events
including the marquee, catering equipment, band and the parachutists.
The meeting was therefore pleasantly surprised to be informed that
the event has been a financial success with a final figure of £6,875
being available for distribution.
Donations were then made to various organisations which had helped
over the weekend including:-
Bures Community Centre
Mount Bures Village Hall
Cornard Upper School World Challenge Students
Bures Football Club
Sudbury Air Cadets
Bures Primary School
River Stour Trust
River Stour Boating
Mount Bures Church
Bures Parish Church
Looking to the future, next year the Carnival weekend (Saturday
10th July)and Music Festival weekend will be combined to make full
use of the Marquee and hopefully emulate the success of the Europa
Links with the villages across Europe
will be actively developed. So far:
A small party from Zbure
in Slovenia is planning to return for a weekend in October
Buren near Paderborn in Germany and
Bure in Belgium have expressed interest
in exploring the possibility of developing links with our schools.
Bure les Templiers the hosts for Europa
Bures 2011 who were unable to attend due to Swine Flue are being
invited to join us for the Carnival and Music weekend in July 2010.
In addition to maintaining and building
links with the different villages across Europe, a Village Christmas
Tree will be erected annually in the St Mary's Churchyard and it
is intended that Flag Poles will be purchased and available for
hire from the Sportsground Committee.