1900:- This
building formed part of the One Bell PH and would have been used
for many years as a storage area.
The earliest anyone can recollect, this part of the building was
used as a pig Slaughter House in the early 1900`s
1920s:- Around the
early 1920`s, it was used as a wet fish shop opening just two days a week.
Arthur Beaumont can recall, delivering fish to local residents. It was
owned by a Mrs Clampin, who lived at Staunch Farm, she later moved into
one of the cottages behind the PH.
Another local resident can recall it at later date, as a "Sweet"
shop owned by a Mrs Lunnis..
The Dairy came sometime after 1920, opened
by Walter Hume. The premises were nothing more than a storage facility,
where milk would arrive from the local farm and later, delivered around
the village.
The supply of milk was obtained from Bures Hall Farm (near to Bures
Mill), which was then owned by the Probert family. Goldie Hume rented
out a portion of land for his herd of cows. Sometime later, Gordon Drake
Snr took over the tenancy and continued to supply the milk to the Dairy.
Douglas Hume (Walters son) who still lives in Colchester Rd, can recall
going up to the Hall and collecting the milk.
Many other people such as Brands in the High Street had their own
(perhaps 1 or 2) cows for personal use.
1939s:-Gordon Drake gave up the farm and the dairy herd. The tenancy
was taken over by Jack Layland.
Jack supplied the Milk Marketing
Board with bulk milk. During 1952, the Dairy at Bures Hall commenced bottling
their own milk.
Other known Dairy Herds in the area:-
Probert at Corn Hall
Gordon Webber at Bakers Hall
Secretaries Farm, Water lane
During 1930/1940 there were four other Milk suppliers in the village
Everitt and Eaves at Wharf House
Percival who used a Pony and Trap from Wakes Colne
Billy Fowler who also used Pony and Trap from Lamarsh, later to use 3
wheeled motorised vehicle
Taylor from Spout Lane.
There is a report that Bures Hall no longer
supplied milk to the Nayland Rd Dairy and they had to an find alternative
supplier (not substantiated)
Mick Delaine continued to work for Walter Hume at the Dairy as a roundsman,
collecting milk with his own vehicle.
1939: When Walter passed away, his wife put the Dairy up for sale.
Iris De-Laine is then recorded as the owner from 1939 until 1949.
Mick De-Laine was the owner of the One Bell PH
Iris De-Laine
getting ready for the morning milk delivery |
Account dated
1947 for Dairy materials
Milk was obtained from Bures Hall fresh
each morning. A 10gall churn was attached to a two wheeled cart with pram
type handles. A brass tap on the bottom of the churn would dispense the
milk. On the top of the churn was a `plunger` which the delivery man kept
agitated to prevent the milk from curdling. (see left photograph)
Today, we have semi or skimmed milk where the cream has been removed.
In those early days, the milk was thick with cream and would easily have
curdled, either in the hot weather or by the agitation of the cart, as
it travelled around the village. The owner was not best pleased, if the
dairyman returned with the churn insides covered in curd. This was milk
wasted and consequently a loss of income.
Ladies would come out into the street when
the milkman appeared with their jugs.
They were not amused if any milk was spilt and didn`t go into the jug,
every little drop counted.
Malcolm Cook, who worked for Delaine for a short while, recalls that you
were soon asked to top up the jug to its brim or incur the wrath of the
Patience was the greatest requirement as a roundsman. Malcolm recalls,
You would knock at the door and the customer would call out, "Just
got to wash the jug up before I come out".
No leaving the milk on the doorstep and scurrying away in those days.
There was no pasteurized milk in those
days, so it was essential the milk was delivered in the shortest possible
time. It would have been collected from Bures Hall at perhaps 6.00am and
delivered within hours. There was also a second shorter delivery later
in the day.
This certainly was, "Fresh Milk with full cream" unlike today,
where it may be days old before it arrives on your doorstep.
During the mid 40`s there
were three milk deliveries operating in the village:-
1. Mount Bures, Jersey Herd Dairy (Mr Berry)
2. Nayland Rd as above
3. Artimous Graves, shopkeeper in the High St, sold milk over the counter.
There were four dairy herds in the area:-
1. Bures Hall
2. Dorking Tye
3. Wormingford Hall
4. Mount Bures/Ravensfield Farm (Mr Berry)
Sometime around 1943/44 milk was finally bottled, making
the delivery a much more hygienic and easy task. No
tin foil tops in those days, the bottle necks were sealed with cardboard
1949: Jack
Layland took over from Delaine in 1949 until (circa)1964.
The Dairy in Nayland Road closed
down and the business was transferred to Bures Hall.
Jack Layland continued to deliver milk until his death in 1964 when
the round was put up for sale.
1964: Byhams of Ballingdon purchased it for the short period between
1964 until 1970.
To return to a local village delivery, Ken Baxter then took over the milkround
operating from the Dairy in the High St.
Today the estate of Friends Field, stands on the site of former meadow land
which was to the rear of the dairy.
To the front of Cuckoo
Barn/Friends Field. |
1990`s: During the late 90`s, the
round was sold to the Co-op in Colchester, who still maintain a very much
reduced daily round.
Today in 2007, Byhams still maintain a delivery service in the
village, 45 years after they first took over.
Information kindly supplied by:-
Gordon Pilgrim, Malcolm Cook, Arthur Beaumont, John Ineson, Douglas Hume
and Jenny DeLaine