Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet

Development in Bures.
One of the main qualities of the village is that it has been unspoilt for hundreds of years. I find it very sad when
land and buildings in the heart of the village are turned over to residential development to satisfy the need for housing. The rural heart of the village will be forever changed, either by new housing or the modernisation of existing properties.
Soon there will be nothing left of our rural heritage as planning consent seems to fill in every available plot of land and the
redevelopment of properties as they become vacant.

Garage opposite Eight Bells PH.:-

8 bells

see Garage web page

Old Slaughter House, Cuckoo Hill
Plans submitted for 5 residential properties
with associated garages and bin store together with private drive.
Parking to be prohibited alongside Pilgrims Garage
5th January 2012


Permission Refused due to access problems
May 16th 2012

Update - Appeal against decision to be held on August 17th 2012

Builders Yard, Cuckoo Hill
Land to the right of the cemetery entrance.
Planning permission request for 2 properties

Permission Granted April 2012