Station Adopters' Annual Report , March 2013
1. Car park. Work was done on re-lining the car park in May, to improve and increase the capacity of the station parking, which had been exacerbated by the parking restrictions in The Paddocks. This work has proved successful, with more cars now being accommodated less chaotically. It is noted however, that the station car park cannot provide sufficient parking, and that station users' cars are also parking down Station Hill. Disabled bays were not provided on the road, and the adopters will make enquiries of Greater Anglia regarding this. 2. Trees. One dead tree has been removed by the Rail Partnership, and the Rail Partnership has agreed to remove a very large conifer tree which has grown too large. However, this is presently stalled within Greater Anglia over safety issues. The removal of the tree will give rise to opportunities to provide an additional covered waiting area or a better garden area. 3. Waiting area. Two windows were put back in the waiting hut, to replace those which have been boarded up for many years. In addition period travel posters and an artwork of the line have been placed in the hut. The result is now much more pleasing, and positive comments from users have been received. The adopters may re-paint the inside of the waiting hut to also improve its ambience. 4. Publicising the line. The adopters and the Rail Partnership failed to have the line included in a rail publication called 'Scenic Britain by Train'. However, many publicity postcards were distributed in the year, in addition to a large number of walks leaflets for the line which are also presently being advertised by posters located along the line. A 'Gainsborough Line' leaflet has also been produced and distributed. The adopters, Greater Anglia and the Rail Partnership also promoted the line at the 'Sudbury on Show' event in February. 5. Survey of line. The Rail Partnership, in conjunction with adopters along the line conducted a travel survey of the line in September. Full results of this are still awaited. However, one statistic from the day is:- Total number of passengers from Sudbury:
580 6. Garden area. The weather was a challenge in the year with first of all a drought and hose-pipe ban, followed by very wet weather. Nevertheless the garden area is still looking reasonable and is assisted by Bakers of Greenstead Green, who continue to sponsor four planted wooden troughs twice a year. 7. Station Access. Greater Anglia (GA) have formed a view that the steps leading from the platform through the trees are unsafe, and have advised that they will close these off, which would leave only the ramp for access. It may be that other solutions will present themselves when the conifer is removed. 8. Rolling Stock. The condition of the rolling stock has been of continuing concern, particularly their external cleanliness, and remains variable. However, Greater Anglia are in the process of refurbishing the units and those that are are somewhat more attractive. 9. Award. The adopters received an award
from Greater Anglia (Runner up for Best Small Station) during the year.
Ref East Anglian Daily Times 28/11/2013
(a) New track would be required at Marks
Tey to swing the branch line towards LST ===============================================================================================
Network Rail is developing a prototype
battery-powered train. Editor - will we ever see this on the Sudbury line ? |