Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet

Selwyn Charles Pryor (1936 -2021)



Selwyn died peacefully on March 28th, surrounded by family.

The Funeral was held at St Mary`s Church, Bures on April 16th at 3pm
The Rev Mary Cantacuzene, Venerable Robin King
and Rev Jane Beloe officiated at the service.

Due to Covid restrictions only 30 mourners were allowed inside the church.


A large number of local residents lined the Nayland Rd and Church Square, as Selwyn and the cortege made its way to St Marys Church.
The great majority of mourners waited until the end of the service, to see Selwyn depart to his final resting place.

This event was by far the largest attended funeral, which has taken place in the village for some considerable time.

Selwyn was involved with numerous organisations in Suffolk including the Fire Service as well as our County Councillor and Parish Councillor for many years.
He was a passionate supporter of local schools, including being a School Governor at Bures Primary and Stoke Middle School.
In early 2000, local small Primary Schools were in jeopardy of being closed because of dwindling numbers.
At one point Bures Primary was down to 47 children and it was in serious danger of closing, however Selwyn was hearing none of it
and he soon made his feelings known to the Head of the Local Education Authority at Bury St Edmunds.




A True Gentleman of Bures

Alan Beales