Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet



The table below documents the traders that were registered during 1857


Consider, how many people are employed in retail, farming, transport etc in Bures during 2020.

Now compare this to the number of people employed in 1857
The vast majority of the goods were generated from local sources, livestock for meat, barley for brewing,
hides for the tannary and shoemaking , wheat for milling, reeds for basket making etc.

Now a supermarket delivery is just an internet connection away.

The list below incorporates Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet.

Agriculture (205 Staff) 10 Farmers
4 Agents
1 Shepherd
168 Agricultural Workers
6 Millers + 1 Boy
1 Corn Merchant
1 Fisherman
Commerce (40) 5 Bakers
3 Butchers
4 Grocers
2 Shopkeepers


Crafts (50) 6 Tailors
2 Glovers
8 DressMakers
7 Shoemakers
1 Shoebinder

8 Tanners + 1 labourer

1 Basket Maker
4 Straw Platters
3 Wheelwrights
7 Blacksmiths + 1 Labourer
1 Coach painter

Material donated by Susan Ashdown 10/9/2020
Source of original material unknown

Services (55) 2 Barbers
1 Clerk
3 Carters
2 Grooms
4 Gardeners
3 Innkeepers
1 Beer Shop Keeper
3 Laundresses
1 Postman
1 Receiving Officer
1 Revenue Officer
4 Railway Staff
1 Surgeon
2 Teachers
22 Servants
1 Charwoman
3 Errand Boys

More Commerce followed in the 1700`s, when the Maltings and Brickworks commenced production.

The Agriculture figure could be an under estimate.
The 1844 Census records 14 farmers in St Mary and 8 in Hamlet making 22.
The largest farm was at Corn Hall.