Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet

Bridge St, Hamlet side circa 1900

The table below lists a total of 20 traders that were registered in Bures Hamlet in 1900

Now in 2007, the only ones left trading are:-
Swan and Eight Bells PH, Delicatessan and Newsagent.

Opposite the shops in Bridge St, there is now vacant meadow land.
This housed many old shops which have long since been demolished.

View looking towards the village from Station Hill. (circa 1900)

Robert Allen Brick Maker
Enos Baxter Swan PH
Charles Grimwood Gas Works
George Cousins Eight Bells PH
Charles Deaves Builder & Undertaker
Edward Dessent Shopkeeper & Hawker
Dupont & Sons Agricultural Implements
Philip Dupont Coal and Coke Merchant
Grimston & Co Maltster
Golding Hume Butcher
William Hume Baker
George Kendall Blacksmith
Henry Mole Insurance Agent
Moy & Co Coal Merchant
Newman & Son Leather Cutters
Harry Newman Grocer and Draper
Mary Peak Shopkeeper
Roberet Rickettson Artist
James Shead Carrier
Edwin Stedman Grocer & Draper