The property we see today is not
the original building which once stood on this site.
The first building was used as the
Bures Hamlet Workhouse as recorded in the Parish records
1709 Glebe Terrier:- "one
small cottage in the Hamlet near the mansion of Herbert Pelham,
Gent worth about £3 per year"
NOTE:- Herbert Pelham lived at Ferriers
1729 Glebe Terrier:-"one
small cottage in the Hamlet near the mansion of Herbert Pelham,
Gent worth about £3 per year.
All which cottages are inhabited by the Poor at the discretion
of the Churchwardens and Overseers"
NOTE:- this again would haave been near Ferriers
1784 Glebe Terrier:- Bures Hamlet hath a Workhouse for
the poor, with about a "rood" of ground adjoining to
it worth about 30s per annum near Mr Gurdon (note 1), late Mr
NOTE: seemingly refers to a property in Station Hill.
In 1784 it only recorded
9 residents.
In 1838, John Garrad (note 2) purchased
the property from the Sudbury Union for the sum of £200
to be used as a private residence.
See Bill of sale below
original Workhouse was subsequently demolished by the end of the
year and replaced with the fine building we see today.
It stood closer to the road than
its successor, however the entire site is completely empty on
the Bures Hamlet 1839 tithe map.
Interesting to note that this
property was once again used for public use during the 1st World
"It is remembered
that there was an outbreak of diphtheria during the "'14-18"
war, the White House, which was standing empty at the time, was
cleaned through in twenty four hours and patients brought in.
The then Vicar's wife, Mrs. Molesworth, who had been trained as
a nurse took charge of the temporary hospital.
Ref:- The History of
Bures 1951
Oct 1917
Serious outbreak of Diptheria within 2 days
3 lives were lost. The White House turned into an Isolation Hospital
on November 1st
Mrs Molesworth, wife of the Vicar was appointed Matron
In less than 36 hours, three patients were able to be recieved
There were 8 wards and 28 patients
at anyone time
January 1918, the epidemic was over and the Hopsital closed
Ref: Mrs Tatum, Mount Bures