Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet

Walk from Bures to Arger Fen

This is my recommendation for the finest walk in Bures

If the weather has been wet, appropriate footwear should be used.
This walk does involve walking down farm tracks and over an arable field.


Walk to (1) the top of Cuckoo Hill and enter Fysh House Farm
Continue straight through the concrete surfaced yard to the end of the buildings where you will meet a gravel track (2)

I have chosen this direction as it gives you magnificent views across the Stour Valley
Most footpaths maps take you down the lane to Moat Farm but this is fully enclosed with hedges with no view whatsoever
We will come back this way


Continue down this track and then briefly stop and look to your left.

The large property to the left ( see picture) is Fysh House and this was originally the original farmhouse. This was sold many years ago to a private owner and no longer has any relevance to the farm
However the pink cottages to the right were part of the farm workers cottages
You can also see the stables which are still in use today and the meadow at the rear.

At the end of the gravel track it forks right to St Stephens Chapel
Take a detour and look at this marvelous ancient Chapel

Now instead of following the track to the right continue down a wide grass track,(3)

About 100 yards down the footpath you will find a bench where you can sit and admire the magnificent views

Directly in front, you will see two tall masts.
These are the TV masts for the local area


Now look to the right and you will see Moat House Farm nestling in the valley below.
This is where you will be heading for.

At the end of the grass track you will find a stile which cross over a small stream.
This takes you alongside the Water Meadows.

Walk straight across the meadow to the distant stile

While you are crossing the meadow look to your right, to view man made lagoon which is the home to a variety of birds such as swans, geese, ducks etc.
This is private land so do not stray from the dedicated footpath

Over the stile (10) and turn sharp left
This takes you along the edge of the field. (4)

You next arrive at another farm track with Moat Farm to your left

Cross straight over this track and now follow route (5)

This takes you along side a small irrigation reservoir

Follow route (5) and (6) until you arrive at Gazely Gate
You now pass through another farm gate where you will be on a tarmac road and a "ford" immediately to your right

This is the same water supply that feeds the Water Meadows. It eventually flows into the River Stour along the Nayland Road

right photo - the top green arrow shows the exit from the footpath

Using the footbridge cross over the "Ford" and climb the steep hill

Arger Fen Nature reserve will be on your left (7)

Adjacent to Arger Fen, lies Spouses Grove, another Nature Reserve

Continue along this road and pass "Church`s Seed Store" on your left

Continue along until you arrive at "Overhall Cottages"

Here you will find a footpath to your right which passes down the side of the cottages and a stables to your left.
This is usually very muddy.

notice board

Eventually this will bring you to the edge of a field and open up to magnificent views of the Stour Valley

Now turn road for 100yards where you will find a sign pointing you down the footpath

Follow the footpath (9) which has a very steep downhill slope.


You will now arrive back at the Water Meadows (10) the stile you crossed earlier.
You now have two choices:-

(a)You can either retrace your steps back to to Fysh House Farm (3, 2, 1)

(b) or turn right along the footpath (11) you took earlier back to Moat Farm

When you meet the farm track turn left, with Moat Farm to your right up a gravel track road

Nearly to the top you will see a footpath sign on your left.(12)
This will take you though a Spinney then across a meadow where you will meet the main Assington Road

Bear left and continue back to Bures


NOTE:-It is far easier to use the route planned route
You can of course. from (10) walk the opposite direction and climb the footpath to the top of the field
However, this may be difficult for some people and also the Stour Valley View will be behind you all the time

If you are interested in other walks visit this page, where you can download PDF maps of the area