Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet


Packing Sheds and Cottages which were once part of the Great Orchard in Bures St Mary
Consent for Demolision:- Part 11
Buildings which have stood since the mid 1800`s,
falls victim to Development


Mid March, the end structure was demolished,
although according to Babergh, no planning consent
had been granted.
A Persimmon representative who later met the Parish Council, informed them they were not responsible for this damage.
According to Persimmon, it still belongs to Eves and Cockrell
A full structure report ( dated 12/09/1012) carried out by Leigh Alston on behalf of Suffolk County Council Archaeological Services was at the time, in the hands of Babergh District Council to consider a Listed Building Status.

Application submitted by Charles Church, Witham

Consent granted 4th April 2013

May 26th - Further demolition towards the centre building
By now planning consent for its removal has been granted
May 26th - end packing shed demolished, Friends Field side
The footpath from the estate to Nayland Road
protected by steel fencing
Site now cleared - June 1st 2013

Eighteen months later, December 2014

In late 2014, the developers completed the Pikes Marsh development, cleared this land and moved offsite
The question remains, why was their any urgency to demolish these packing sheds when the site now lies abandoned.
The History Society failed in their attempt to have these building given Listed Status.

February 7th 2016 :- Work begins on the construction of two residential properties on this land