Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet


Brick Kiln at Lodge Hill, Wormingford
Part 3. - the end


Final images taken at the Brick Kiln before back filling
June 1st 2012

To be read in conjunction with Part1 and part 2

This was the end where the fire was lit.
It shows to two flue tunnels leading the the firing kiln

The two flue tunnels leading the the firing kiln

Excavating the Firing Chamber.
The other end of the Fire Tunnels as shown in the above two photographs

Excavating the Firing Chamber.
This clearly shows the supports where the new bricks would
have been stacked ready for firing

Taken from the fire end of the Flue Tunnel with a clear view through to the firing chamber.
Note the curved brickwork around the flue entrance

The complete archaelogical site

Colour Photographs of site by Alan Beales June 1st 2012
Acknowledgment to Don Goodman for his valuable assistance and patience, Colchester Archaeological Group