School notes from 1863 until 1974 |
School Log Books (extracted from BSE RO) The first log book to appear from the
School was in 1863 and written by Frederick Smith HT. 1/6/1863 - Scarlet fever abated, attendance now good 13/6/1863 - Smallpox now back again in
the village 2/5/1864- "Holy Thursday" being Bures Fair, children kept at home by parents 2/6/1864 - Attendance rather poor , Alphamstone Fair 3/6/1864 - Attendance rather poor, Lamarsh Fair. Hay making 27/6/1864 - admitted pupil from Dame School 26/10/ 1864 - Attendance rather poor 26/4/1864- In the afternoon the entire
school was addresses by the Master upon taking Gods name in vain. He told
the story of a boy in Brighton who was struck blind by the Almighty for
Blasphemy and playing on a Sunday 6/10/1865 - Rev Stanworth commented there was too much ink in the ink wells 28/9/1866 - sent out bills to parents 4/2/1867 - good attendance because lots of parents having no work 18/3/1867 - many boys away scaring birds 25/6/1867 - School thin in numbers due
Haymaking 18/6/1868 - attendance thin as several
boys gone to see the Sudbury Races 10/9/1874 - George and William Cansdale not allowed too return to school until fees paid 17/7/1874 - Flax pulling has commenced, attendance now very low 31/8/1874 - Gleaning not yet done at Bures Hamlet 27/6/1874 - The factory Inspector calls to make enquiries why so many boys are working at he Brickfields 1879 - Floods still high. Harvest did not start until the 28th August 1880 - Smallpox in the village, used as an excuse by parents to keep children at home 1881 - Severe floods in Bures 1881 -Mr Pile, Master with teachers Chas
Crook and H Gilby 1882 - Gleaning 1885 - Outbreak of Diphtheria 1886 - Menagerie in the village 1889 - School closed for 5 weeks on medical
advice ( reason unknown) 1890 - Turniping 16/12/1891 - School closed 2 weeks due
outbreak of Scarletina 1894 - New playground wall built. 4/5/1898 - Willie Webber accidentally drowned in the river last night 8/2/1907 - Mention of an Assistant being paid £65 per annum 13/1/08 - Request to the Sec for education for 25 leaflets pointing out the dangers of smoking to the boys. 8/9/1914 - Mr R Gillis (teacher) resigned today to join the army for foreign service 29/1/1915 - Coal has run very low 8/2/1915 - Fuel economy drive commenced 30/9/1915 - School closed on Oct 1st to enable the greater number of boys (48 in total) to gather apples and pears from the large orchard. The fruit would have been spoilt as the owner is away and the large shortage of labour 18/10/1915 - School insured for£2000 against air-raids 26/5/1916 - Most of the children brought a penny to school for the prisoners of war 19/11/1916 - Coal has finally run out 26/10/1917- Bad attendance caused by the children being offered 6/- per bushel to collect sweet chestnuts, Several children away this Thursday and Friday for this purpose 21/1/1918 - School closed for 12 weeks due to diphtheria outbreak. 4 deaths and 40 infections 27/9/1918 - The older scholars gathered
nearly 1 cwt of blackberries under the Government Scheme, but in their
own time. The blackberries were then dispatched by train to a jam making
factory in London. 30/9/1918 - School granted 14 tons of coal
plus 10,000 cuft of gas for the coming winter 16/11/1923 - The Headmaster teaching 75
children on his own 3/3/1932 - Mr Creek from Stoke by Nayland Primary installed as Head Teacher 1933 - Because of Mr Creek, Bures would
become the woodwork centre for Nayland, Assington, Stoke and Bures 6/10/1939 - Mother of 2 evacuees came to remove them and those of her neighbours as they would be safer at home 10/5/1940 - Bank Holiday cancelled as a consequence of the invasion of Holland and Belgium 11/5/1940 - Instruction given on how to use Wireless from the Board of |Education in reception areas. 14/6/1940 - Arch Dept taking measurements for Air Raid Protection 15/7/1940 - Windows treated with anti-splinter solution and wire netting 12/9/1940 - When Air Raid warning given at night children allowed to start at 10am 6/11/1940 - Caretaker Mrs Willingham seriously
injured by bomb blast along Nayland Rd, 18/4/1941 - School closed for one week holiday deferred from Easter to allow elder children with the potato planting 12/10/1942 - Fires not to be lit until temperature drops to 50F 1952 - Miss Christine Harriss who had been at the School since 1908 asked for an extension to her service of 48 yrs. An extension was granted but within a few weeks she died on Oct 20th 1952 1953 - Staff room and cycle sheds added
30/8/1887- School Closed Military Funeral at cemetery 11/6/1896 - School closed, marriage of the Vicars daughter 2/8/1895 - School closed, local cricket match 1/5/1895 - School closed, rooms required for entertainment 17/5/1898 - Funeral of husband of infants mistress 13/9/1907 - Horticultural Show 22/7/1910 - Band of Hope outing 12/6/1910 - Choral Service at Wormingford 8/7/1910 - Sunday School treat 18/6/1909 - Half day holiday as 25 girls taking part in Colchester Pageant ?10/1908 - School required for Rummage Sale 29/11/1934 - Wedding of the Duke of Kent and Princess Marina This material originated
from notes written by Mrs Howard, Head teacher 1972 -1982 |