Jan 1863
Fever now abated in school
June 1863
The smallpox has made its appearance in the village, Two boys sent home
in the morning because of an outbreak in their family
Henry Cardy dies from inflammation
3 boys joined the infant school, one who is deaf and dumb
Scarlet Fever and the Measles in the village
Charles Deaves comes again after 3 months absence through illness
David Mole fell down in a fit, sent home
George Cook, Pupil 1 teacher, off sick nine weeks, Still seems very
Master felt he was still not well enough to receive tuition from him
George Cook again sick for 9 weeks. In May tried to return, half and
hour here and there etc
Returned to full time work after 4 months of absence
George Cook ill again in June.
Sept to Oct substitute teacher arrived for girls PT
George Cook still off work
No longer any mention of George Cook
The Master, Mr H Johnson being advised by the Doctor to move away from
Bures at once. Departs finally
(Jan) Ref to Charles Cook being seriously ill and returning to school
(Feb) The Master suffering from Neuralgia, then goes to see Dentist
in Sudbury
(May) One or two boys kept away on account of a fatal dose of smallpox
in the village
(May) A Kemp absent because he had no boots
(July) George French was drowned in the River Stour last evening
(Nov) B Horner absent because of no boots
(June) Rev Hanbury remarked on the small size of the lads in the first
class, compared with those of last year
(Nov) Rev Hanbury pointed out that the school office required cleaning
Master suffering now suffering from rheumatism and headache (Neuralgia
in 1880)
(Feb) Serious outbreak of measles amongst the younger children. The
entire school now closed as a precaution. Lasted one month.
But even then several parents left messages to say their children would
be unable to attend until after Easter
(March) No fresh cases reported
(Oct) Master absent with Scarletina, some scholars now absent with same
Internal reports detail two epidemic reports and the Master still with
Outbreak of Diptheria in the village
(Jan) William Death has ringworm
(June) Dr McDermot has notified to me that Arthur Howard is not in a
fit state to attend school for the foreseeable future
(Sept) I hereby certify that Robert Hume has been absent from school
the last 5 months on account of a very dangerous illness
and is now attending only half time ( signed E Woods School Manager)
(Oct) Similar notice that Fred Gardiner absent from 29/6 until 4/10
with accident to foot resulting in severe sprain.
Harry Hume absent 3 months, chronic dislocation of the arm, eventually
went up to a London Hospital and underwent
an operation by means of Chloroform
Alfred Knott is suffering from debility and requires a change to the
Rev E Woods advised the readmission of William Lester who has been suffering
from a contagious skin disease
(Oct) Prevailing whooping cough
Walter Webber absent two weeks with fits
A Mussett, Rheumatic fever
HMI report refers to an epidemic of measles with school closed for 5
One boy has Pleurisy
William Cardy admitted after 5 months of sickness
Fred Webber absent 2 months with dangerous illness
Willie Ardley absent with Eriripelas (?)
Several references to delicate boys and other who live 2.5 miles from
Absences with bronchitis, bad colds and feet
Arthur Candela who was unable to do his work in the examination on account
of sickness and failed in two subjects, in consequence is now reported
as dangerously ill
(April) Analysis of water supply from pumps and water from girls schoolhouse
Water taken from Boys schoolhouse and playground condemned
(April) Chas Gardiner sick one month with dislocated arm
(Nov) Two absences with Scarletina and one with scolds
(Dec) School closed for two weeks with Scarletina
References to school offices require cleaning
Accident during Christmas Holiday, Archie Eves fingers cut off in machine
R Pile severe scalds on legs from boiling water ( Masters son)
Boy from school called John Root appears to be quite an imbecile
(May) Willie Webber accidentally drowned in the river
Ten cases of Whooping Cough found by Attendance Officer
Applied to the "Sec of Ed" for 25 circulars pointing out the
dangers to the boys of smoking
(Jan) School re-opened after being closed for 12 weeks.
The outbreak of Diphtheria seems to have died out, during this time
40 cases confirmed with 4 deaths
2 Teachers and 30% of scholars down with the flu, school closed
Reports of malnutrition
Managers opposed to the dissemination of birth control information in
the school
Medical Officer ordered milk for some of the poorer children
Dentist reports 103 children required attention, only 17 were free from
any immediate need
Parents of 47 assented to treatment
Canteen dinners started at 5d each meal, 32 children attending
Pasteurised milk being supplied
Whooping cough outbreak
Later references continue to report
the state of the officers and the water supply being condemned
This material originated
from notes written by Mrs Howard, Head teacher 1972 -1982
Acknowledgment to Marion Howard ( daughter)for allowing use of this