Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet

Workhouse in Assington

Although nothing to do with Bures, this gives some indication of a Workhouse specification.
(Reproduced from the original text)


One of the few Parishes to have a Workhouse so early in Babergh Hundred, was at Assington

Assington Workhouse,
Further Street (A134)
1774 -1834

Photograph taken 2006

A timber-framed and plastered house with C18-C19 external
features but possibly refronting an earlier timber-frame. 2
storeys and attics. 4 window range, casements with glazing
bars. Boarded doors. Roof tiled, with 1 central gabled
dormer on the north-east front. On the south-east side there
are 3 external chimney stacks.

1834 sold and converted into two cottages.


1783:- An estimate of Building a Workhouse at Assington, 52 ft long,18 ft wide 15 ft high, to be daubed and thatched with garrets over the whole house according to a plan delivered.

To 37.5 square of new frameing ye house & raising at £1-10s per square………… £56.5.0
To 18.75 square of frameing ye two floors at £2 per square …………… £37.10.0
To 15 square of partitions,cieling joice on garrets; & ashlerings to ditto at £1 per square…………………… £15.0.0
To 124 ft eyes board put on at 1.5d (per) ft…………… £0.15.6
To 15 square of inch deall flooring to. chambers & garrets at £l-5s-per square……… £18.15.0
To two pair of inch deall stairs ……………………………………… £3.0.0
To 12, new window-frames & Cavings to DITTO at 6/6d each………… £3.18.0
To 11 new doors & hangen splines at 8/- each…………………… £4.8.0
To 11 pair joints at 1/-. pair & 11 thum latches at 8d each and two stock locks 3/-……………………





Bricklayers work

To 280 ft of underpining at 6d ft ……………………………………… £7.0.0
To building ye chimney to working room …………………………… £11.0.0
To 96 yds of paving ye floors with lumps at 1/8d yd…… £8.0.0
To 200 yds larth & plaster-to partitions,cieling to garrets and ashlerings at 1/- per yd ……………… £10.0.0
To 203 yds of Clay walls & insiding .ye same 1/- yd……………… £10.3.0
To 17.5 square of thatching at 10s per square ………………… £8.15.0
To 12 iron casements £4-4-0 & 90 sadle barrs........................... £0-18-9
Painting ye windows & front door............................. £1-0-0
To 178 ft glasing 10d ft £6-13-6……………………………… £12.16.3
End Chimney…………………………………………………………………………… £6.0.0
Addition to tyling……………………………………………………………… £15.8.0
TOTAL ............................................................................... £214.7.1








Quary, if not the working room floor, to be part laid with oak, if so the gentlemen agree to allow the difference
Nov 26th,1785 to the officers & parishioners of the parish of Assington, has agreed & lett unto Isc Strutt of Boxford,to build a workhouse according to this estimate. Whole account to be two hundred & fourteen pounds, the building to be finish'd and fit to inhabit by Midsummer next, the mony to be paid when finished,as mentioned above, Isc Strutt agrees to build a privy into the above bargain.

However documents in Bury Records Office indicate the building constructed in 1783 at a cost of £229 15s 1d ?

Witnessed by:-
Nath Consein and John Death (ChurchWardens)
William Sandle and Thomas Underwood (Overseers)
Inhabitants:- C Gurdon, George Watkinson's mark X, John Godfrey, Joseph Parker and William Firman
Heart of our History by Ashley Cooper