Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet



Workhouses in Bures, Part 11

Extracts taken from The Bures Parish Records,
(Rewritten because of the documents poor quality)

Bures Hamlet Minute Book,1838 ( Winding up the accounts after the closure of the Workhouse)

May I6th, 1838
At a Vestry Meeting held this day pursuant to notice duly given, when William Brown, Joseph Rayner, John Nott and John Garrad were present, it was proposed by John Nott and seconded by John Garrad that proper application should be made to the Board of Guardians of the Sudbury Union that the sum of fourteen Pounds 7/6 should be paid by the overseers of this Parish in addition to the money arrising from the sale of Bures Hamlet Workhouse to discharge this Parish from their share of Money borrowed by the Board of Guardians of the Sudbury Union for building the New Union Workhouse at Sudbury which was carried unanimously

John Garrad, Chairman

Debit, the Overseer of the Parish, for the Quarter Commencing 26th Dec 1835

To Balance…………………………………………………………………… £26 -19 -6
Jan 18 of William Payne for Death Child ……………………………............... £1-1-0
March 25 of Henry Mussett for Bond Child …………………………............ £1- 6- 0
of John Neep(?) for Norman Child ……………………………… £2-12-0
Feb 17th amount of 1 Rate of 1/6 in the Pound …………………............. £118-9-7

Received of Mr John Garrad, Gaurdion who received of the union for furniture Bures Workhouse..............£41-17- 9

Approved, by Isaac Last, District Assistant Auditor of Sudbury Union


Credit (Dec 1835 -25 March 1836)

Mr Symmonds attending Inquest of John Horn……………………………………................ £1-1-0

Jan 2 Constables Journey to Bury Summoning
Jury attending Inquest………………………………

Jan 4, Jury for attending Inquest ………………………… £0-13-0
Jan 6, Convening Hartley Family-to Melford Workhouse…………... £0-10-0
Jan 8, County Rate and Lunatic Asylum………….................. £18-18-2
Jan 21, Postage from Sudbury……………................... £0-0-2
Jan 26, To Sudbury to pass Accounts……..............................
Mr Almack information Commitments Everit and Hasell…..................
Feb 12, Mr Fulcher for Rate Book………………......................... £0-4-0
Feb 18, Mr Dorrel for Receipt Books…………...................... £0-6-0
Feb 23, Postage from Colchester ……………...................... £0-0-9
Feb 26, Mr Almack Summons for Causton…….....................
Church Fees for Martha Abrose………............................
Mar 9, Postage …….............................…………… £0-0-4
Mar 10, Mr D Hanbury Treasuer……....................... £141-0-0
Mar 12, Conveying John Fordham to Sudbury workhouse ………......... £0-2-6
Mr Goldsmith years insurance for Workhouse, Dec 25,1836 …….... £1-2-0
Mar 21, Postage………………………………………… £0-0-2
Funeral of Martha Ambrose ,Dec 1835 (Before the Union J.Last)…… £1-4-6
Mr Blandon & Rolph Valuation of Furniture land assesment of Rent .and. Stamp Inventory..… £2-17-6
Isaac Death Bill for work done at Workhouse…………... £0-15-10
(other bills for work at workhouse from Wm Carat, Mrs Stead and Wm Deeks amounting to £4-2-7) £4-2-7
To balance .......................................... £192-5-11

Verified before us, Arthur Hanbury and Nath Colvile



Bures Hamlet Minute Book, July 3 1839

At a Meeting held in Vestry this day, Pursuant, to Notice duly given, Grimmard Wood having been elected Chairman, it was proposed and recommended that a Poors Rate be made after the rate of Six Pence in the Pound which was carried unanimously.
Signed on behalf of-the Meeting
Grimmard Wood. Chairman.

Bures Hamlet Minute Book, 25th March 1834
Persons nominated to serve Parish Officers for the ensuing Year this 25th Day of March 1834

John Garrad
John Boggis

James Dalton
Simon Seaman
Robert Goody
Golding Boggis
John Boggis
Robert Goody
Isaac Death
lsaac Death
John Fitch


Bures St Mary Minute Book, 15th April 1829
A Rate and assesment made for the Necessary relief of the Impotent Poor and other Purposes mentioned in Several Acts of Parliament relative to the Parish of Bures St Marys, made this 15th Day of April 1829. at 3s. in the Pound,
Jonathan Bush Overseer for the first half year

226 properties are listed.
The total rental was £1622-5-0 the rate totalled £243-6-9

Bures Hamlet Minute Book, 24 Aug. 1838

Minutes of Vestry Meeting, for the purpose purpose of considering the assessment of the cottages.
The following names should be exonerated from payment of church, highway and poor rate
Joseph Clark, John Mole. Isaac Shed, Thos Bradley ,Thos: Clark, Wm 8tedman, Jas Kudkin, Mark Clark, Benj.Boggis, Jonathan Taylor. Wm Hume, Widow Whybrew. Saml Fitoh, Robt Stebbing,Thos Spark (sen), Jas Cardy, John Parker, Widow Webber, Wm Webber,
Hugh Pettit. Jas Warren, John Moss, Jas Bray, Henry Wright, William Gallifant,Abm Disnev Jas Stebbing, Wm Waters, Jas Cansdals, Nath Sylvester