Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet
Dennis Ambrose - Funeral at St Mary`s Church





Sadly Dennis passed away after a long illness on Monday 2nd September 2019
(01/08/1945 - 02/10/2019)

He was the youngest of the 3 Ambrose brothers, first Brian, then Colin and finally Dennis.

Dennis left behind, Gay his partner, his two brothers Brian and Colin, his children Ivan, Joanne and Becky.

Dennis was born on the 1st August 1945 along the Nayland Road, in a row of cottages opposite the Victory Hall (now Community Centre)
If anything required attention or someone required help, Dennis was always first in the queue.

Back in 2015, the new owner of a cottage next door to the Eight Bells discovered an abandoned hessian sack at the rear of his garage.
It was extremely heavy and tipping out the contents, it appeared to be just scrap metal of no significance.
Fortunately, he showed Dennis the contents, who immediately recognised "the scrap" as a set of shoes and pins for playing Quoits.
They had probably been there since the last match was played in the village, during the 1930`s
With a thriving Quoits team only 2 miles away at Mount Bures, it seemed appropriate to try and set up a local team in the village.
Dennis soon acquired a site on the Common for a pitch, a team was assembled with the help of Dean Manning and they played their inaugural match in 2016
If it hadn't been for Dennis and his enthusiasm to resurrect the game, we wouldn`t be looking at Quoits being played on the Common today

Bures Common Former "Cow Shed"
Dennis was the inspiration in turning this dilapidated building, into something for the village to cherish.
He set about renovating the shed, with locally sourced timber and local volunteer tradesmen. Today, it stands as an attractive and valuable asset in the centre of the village for everyone to see.

Farm Manager
Dennis worked at Fysh House Farm for nearly 50 years. His work focused in latter years on Conservation, complementing the wonderful scenery around Bures.

Dennis was a member of Bures St Mary Parish Council, a Trustee of Bures Common and the Joint Sportsground Committee.

He was the architect of the Farmers Market on the Common, which is today thriving.

Dennis accompanied by Gay, regularly attended St Mary`s in the village. Even when Dennis was extremely poorly, he always made the effort to attend the Sunday morning service.

Dennis Funeral was held at St Mary`s Church, Bures on September 19th at 10am
The Rev Mary Cantacuzene officiated at the service.
The Church was full to capacity, with possibly over 300 mourners.
A large number were standing at the back and around the sides, some found a vantage point by using the 1st Floor Tower Room

Numerous local residents congregated outside, to pay their respects when Dennis arrived.
The great majority waited until the end of the service, to see Dennis depart for St Stephens Chapel
With so many mourners, vehicles were parked on the Recreation Ground and on the Common.

This event was by far the largest attended funeral, which has ever taken place in the village in recorded history.

Dennis makes his way into St Marys Church
The Casket was manufactured from Oak and Walnut trees, which had fallen
during the storm of 1987 on the Gt Bevills Estate

The cortège makes his way up Cuckoo Hill, to his resting place at St Stephens Chapel.

Dennis is buried beside St Stephens Chapel, with its magnificent views across the Stour Valley.
A fitting tribute to be interred on land, he helped maintain for nearly 50 years.


Top left:- Dennis with the Memorial Stone to St Edmunds behind him.

Top right:-Dennis looking towards the Bures Dragon which he helped construct.

Left:- Dennis with St Stephens Chapel watching over him.

Dennis Memorial Stone at St Stephens Chapel

A gentleman much loved and missed.

Published 21/09/2019
Memorial added 22/03/21
