Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet

©Environment Agency Works at Bures Mill 2009

River Stour Navigation
circa 1900

Wormingford Cut

River Stour General Information

John Constables link with Bures


During the early summer of 2009 the Environment Agency have been carrying out extensive construction work alongside Bures Mill.

In 1938 a major flood protection scheme was carried out at Bures with an automatic lock built on the original lock site

When the Automatic Weir was installed little thought was given to the fish population along the river as it blocked their path to swim downstream.

Now that fishing along the River Stour has become very popular, the
fishermen downstream are obviously at a disadvantage compared to those upstream.

bures weir
The 1920 map opposite clearly shows the river course with two distinct feeds into the Mill Pond.
The lower channel was necessary if both the Lock and the Mill Sluices were shut, providing a diversionary overflow path.

Bottom left of picture >>>>>>>>>>>


The EA is in the process of constructing a "Fish Ladder" which will allow fish to swim downstream using a dried up channel which has not been in use, possibly since the 1930`s

In recent years, a dramatic increase in leisure craft such as canoes have been using the river. Now the Weir was not only an obstacle to the fish stock, but canoeists have to "portage" from the "Cambridge Brook" inlet, past the Weir and eventually back into the river at the Mill Pond.


A very strenuous task indeed.
However, it soon became apparent that Canoeists could also benefit from this work.

If the existing concrete bridge was raised it would allow safe passage for the canoes using the ditch without the need to raise them out of the water.
The EA agreed to this proposal instigated by "River Stour Boating" and a new raised "Oak Footbridge" was constructed which will allow sufficient height for canoes to pass underneath.

The completed task will finally look like this.
The Yellow footbridge is the existing path with a new solid oak bridge shown in red
leading onto the meadow on the southern side of the river

Click on the images below to enlarge

Channel yet to be filled with water looking towards Mill Pond

The Channel will only be filled with approx. 12" of water,
this image does give some indication of its depth.


New extension to Footbridge, looking towards the Colchester Rd.

Footbridge with the Weir in the background

July 2009 - Channel dry

February 2010 - Channel now in flood

Fish Ladder and Entrance to Channel
<< In flood, January 2014

Research and pictures by Alan Beales
June 2009,Feb 2010, Jan 2014