Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet

Quoits on the Common:- 2017


Are you interested in playing Quoits, then contact:-

Kevin Leggett (Team Captain)at kj.leggett()gmail.com
Oliver King at oliking99()hotmail.com

Visit "Bures Steel Quoits" on Twitter

Substitute @ for (), this prevents bots from harvesting email addresses


Quoit bed and throwing marker

Quit bed filled with soft clay


View this photo album for more achived images
of the first match in 2014


Stoke by Nayland Steel Quoits Teams

Thatchers A
Thatchers B






Practice is on Wednesday evenings, there is always room for additional players who wish to have a go.
The Suffolk League played often at Bures

Anyone interested in signing on, can contact Kevin on 07766023941.
email:- kj.leggett@gmail.com