Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet

Samuel Death - Blacksmith Bures

Samuel blacksmiths shop was located adjacent to the
Horseshoes Public House
Although Samuel was a humble Blacksmith, the sale of his assets revealed he was a wealthy property owner


Samuel died in 1845 aged 65 from Pyrosis.
Pyrosis: A technical term for what is popularly called heartburn, a burning/spasmodic pain in the upper abdomen with a rising of watery liquid into the mouth

Samuel Death married Mary Ann Gosling on the 11th July 1805 in St Marys Church becoming Mary Ann Death,
Mary died aged 63 three months earlier than Samuel in 1844


Headstone reads:-

Sacred To the Memory of
Samuel Death
who died Jan 29 1845
Aged 65 years

Also of
Mary Ann his wife
who died Oct 20 1844
Aged 63 years

Strange Mary dies before Samuel and yet she is underneath his name on the stone
I think the scenario was that she died and they were waiting for the ground to settle before putting on the stone. I think the suggested waiting time is around 6 months. Samuel then dies 3 months later. They put up headstone at the time when they are both deceased,
so put the man first.

This was the Sale of his property dated January 7th 1848 held at the Queens Head Public House, Bures

Lot 1:- refers to Two brick and thatched cottages containing two rooms with convenient closets in each, Smiths shop, Brewhouse in the occupation of John Death

Lot 2:- refers to all that well accustomed Beer Shop known as the Horse Shoes adjoining Lot 1

Lot 3 :- refers to Brick fronted Messuage and six cottages adjoining the Queens Head

Lot 4:- refers to Two cottages situated on the west side of the churchyard and abutting the river

Lot No 1:- The facing blacksmiths shop

Lot No2 :- Horseshoes to the left

Lot 3:- Cottages to the right leading to the Horseshoes
Lot 4:- Cottages adjacent to the river

Acknowledgment to Tony Brown of Devon, who donated all this material
Samuel Death (Jnr) was Tony Browns, 3rd Great Grandfather.


(2) Samuel (Jnr) , the blacksmith in the above article
Samuel and Mary had five children, Elizabeth, Catherine, Samuel, John, and Mary Anne.

One of Samuel’s daughters (Mary Ann) married ‘Samuel Brown’ who was a Stonemason in Sudbury and that is when the ‘Browns’ joined the ‘Deaths’

His two sons were also blacksmiths. Samuel who stayed in Bures and John who moved around according to the census moving eventual to Sudbury.

Elizabeth another daughter married Daniel Claydon a blacksmith and they were in Monks Eleigh and Chelsworth


(1) Samuel (Father)

Samuel Death Snr, married Elizabeth Howard in 1779 and they had 7 children. One of which is our Samuel Jnr (In the grave). Another one is Isaac which I believe to be the other Death mentioned as a Blacksmith adjoining the Great Maltings and the Crown Yard.
The Great Maltings and the Crown Yard where located in the High Street behind the Crown Public House

He then married Catherine Woolman in 1791 after Elizabeths death in 1791 and they had a further 2 children. It may be that Elizabeth dies in childbirth as I have a child being born and dying in 1791 as well. I suppose with young children Samuel needed a replacement wife ASAP.

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updated 05/05/15