Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet

Possible new development along the Colchester Rd

Colchester Road, Development

Two sites in Bures recommended for development after councillors go against planning advice

The outline Plans for this development are to construct 105, three and four bedroom properties.
This will increase Bures Hamlet population by 30%

Two sites in Bures have been put forward for potential development after councillors went against planning recommendations.

Planning officers suggested before Braintree Council's Local Plan Committee meeting last week, that sites at Colchester Road and Cambridge Way should be turned down.

The officers thought the areas had limited facilities and any development would have detrimental impact on the appearance.

The Parish Council also objected to plans for residential development.

However Wendy Scattergood, district councillor for Stour Valley, said some sort of development was needed and suggested going against the recommendation.
She said the site at Colchester Road, which could provide land for 85 homes, should be approved, as well as the 1.1 hectare site at Cambridge Way.

Graham Butland, leader of Braintree Council, agreed the sites should be put forward for recommendation.
He said: "I support councillor Scattergood very much as we do need some development in the north.

"The transport links and environment links make it ideal."

James Webber (co-owner) of the land has offered the Flood Plain opposite to Hamlet Parish Council for free
Because it`s on a Flood Plain, its only use would be for cattle grazing, also a public liability for the Parish Council

Acknowledgment to Halstead Gazette

These two sites formally submitted to Braintree District Council to be included in the Local Plan
dated May 2015


Planning Application was Refused by Braintree District Council
Gladmans Appealed against Braintree District Council to Refuse Application

March 2019:- Government Inspector rules against Gladmans Appeal

Download Government Inspectors Report