This business first appeared in Kellys
Directory in:-
1855: as John Dupont, Agricultural and Implement Dealer
High Street, Bures
1868: John had added "Machinist" to his skills.
1869: John he was still expanding his business advertising as:-
Dealer in Agricultural Implements
Steam Engines
Thrashing Machines
Washing and Sewing Machines
General Commission Agent
Distributor of Manure, Oil Cake,and Grease
Agent for all leading Manufacturers and Machines
1874: now Trading as John Dupont
and Son (Charles)
John had two sons Charles and George
Adding Coal Merchant to his Inventory.
1884: As well as the store, John
and Charles owned Lt Bevills Farm
1897: Death of John Dupont (aged81)
1893: The Partnership between John
and son Charles was dissolved.
The newspaper makes reference to a Newton branch.
Charles then continued the business on his own.
This could have been the time when they amalgamated with Orttewell.

1902: Now
trading as Dupont and Orttewell Ltd, Bures and Sudbury
1906: Dupont and Orttewell Ltd, Bures
and Sudbury
1920: Death of Charles Dupont.
1922: The business sold and now trading
as Brands and Church.
William Church aged only 23 yrs (Church`s Seeds), invested money
into the business to keep it solvent.
He owned 1000 shares in this
business and received a salary of £225 per annum until his
death in 1919
His wife Annice Church then became director until the business was
William Brand then became the sole owner, Trading as "Agricultural
Machinery and Motor Engineers".
1954: Brands finally closed.
The business consisted of a number of buildings in Bures.
On the south side of the High Street there were:
Main office, cottage, yard, storage premises and workshop.
Separate garage premises comprising approach drive, yard, garages
and store shed.
On the north side of the High Street there was a cottage and garden
with adjoining showroom.
In the "Croft" there were storage premises with a workshop
and part of a meadow.
From the opening by John Dupont in
1855 to when it closed in 1954, the site traded as an Ironmonger
for 99 years.
1891: Kellys directory, not listed
1900: Kellys directory listed Orttewell
& Sons Ltd.
Trading at Sudbury, Maldon and Witham.
Stockist of:- Wholesale and Retail Ironmongers, Bellhangers, Gasfitters,
Whitesmiths, Stove and Range Manufacturers, Agricultural Implements,
Oil Merchants
1905: Registered as:-
Wholesale and retail Ironmongers, bellhangers, acetylene &
general gasfitters, whitesmiths, stove and range maker, agricultural
implement makers, iron and brass foundry"
1912: Kellys directory now displays
them trading as Dupont and Orttewell
Left: The Bures yard was trading under this new joint company name
in 1908.

This letter was written by Charles,
so it`s likely it originated from the Bures Store
Dated 11th October 1907
Dear Sir,
Must have Willshire here next week
Have sold six bean drills this week- which is all our stock and
that trade
only lasts 3 weeks in the Autumn
Yours Truly
C Dupont
The letter is directed
to R Orttewell.
It`s very formal, was he requesting
a member of staff called Willshire to
return to the Bures Store ?
Richard Orttewell (aged 48) is listed as Ironmongers, High Street,
Richard took over the business from his father Frank.
By 1936, the Maldon shop was closed and Richard had moved to Middlesex