Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet




The Dupont Family Tree in Bures

From a Village Ironmonger to the President of Rhodesia

There were numerous Duponts in the local area, but I have just concentrated on the family line with John and Charles

Philip Dupont, being a Huguenot priest in fear of his life, fled to England in 1685 along with thousands of his compatriots. After arriving in England, he was ordinated into the Anglican priesthood in 1686 and the following year was granted naturalisation. In 1691 he was given the parish of Assington, a little village in Suffolk, where he lived until his death in 1728.
One of his grandsons, Philip Dupont, a house carpenter, married Sarah Gainsborough - the sister of the famous painter Thomas Gainsborough - and their son Gainsborough Dupont was apprenticed to his uncle, and became an artist in his own right.

Another Grandson, John Dupont was apprenticed as a barber. He settled in Bures St Mary and married a local girl, Susan Causton and bought a shop from his father-in-law, John Causton, in 1754 for 28 pounds. As time went on, the generations split into two parts. One part moved to the growing Suffolk town of Sudbury, and established themselves as important citizens therein. They were yeomen, who owned property, farms and taverns and were prospering. The other part had remained in Bures, on the borders of Essex, and were maintaining the family shop, first as a barber shop, then a bakery and finally as a provisions shop. They too were prospering as in their wills they were able to leave money to the poor in the district.

In Sudbury, however the family line was about to die out, due to a lack of male heirs, and Richard Gainsborough Dupont, became the last of the Gainsborough/Dupont line. His daughter Louise married Dr. Richard Waring and her blood line carried on through their children.

In Bures however, the family prospered further, and it is from this line that the rest of the Dupont descendants emerged. Soon, however, with the coming of the railways in the 1820s, the family would begin to migrate southwards, first to Essex and finally to the East End of London, which is probably where their ancestor (the Reverend Philip) originally arrived from France

United States of America:
The DuPont family is one of the richest American families. Roughly 3,500 family members share a $14.3 billion fortune stemming from the chemicals empire founded by one of their ancestors in 1802. Since then the company has evolved into everything from plastics to dynamite.
The company also invented nylon and Teflon.

Published 23/11/2021
Alan Beales
Reference:- https://gw.geneanet.org/daviddupont