This property most probably dates
back to the mid 1500`s according to this extract from the Waldegrave
George Waldergrave died 1528 and
left Smallbridge Hall, Fysh House,
Bevills, Nether House and Overall to his wife Margaret...........
<<<<Advertisement in
"The Times" for the Sale of Fysh House Farm dated 21st
October 1797
Fysh House Farm
as we see it today above, started life at Fysh House further along the
adjacent to Moat Farm Lane.
The building and surrounding farm land was purchased from Col Inyr Probert
by a Capt Moreing on 31/12/1945. The farm was originally owned by the
Probert family together with Chapel Barn Farm. Captain
Moreing owned a stable at Bookham and a residential property at Esher.
This property was on a grand scale, the garden alone covered 10 acres.
He owned a large number of horses which were shown at summer shows and
used for hunting during the winter months.
Jack Rutt was the groom and Harry Bass his chauffeur.
He made his fortune mining Tin, China Clay etc, with mining interests
abroad in such countries as South Africa, Yugoslavia, Australia and USSR.
Prior to his arrival in Bures he was an MP and a close friend of Winston
It was not uncommon for Harry Bass the chauffeur, to take the car by boat
over to Australia etc for the convenience of the Moreings.
after the war, he decided to build additional stables at his home, to
cater for his ever expanding number of horses.
Unfortunately Esher council turned down this request, and so the Captn
immediately decided to re-locate and take his fortune with him.
31st December 1945, Captn
Algenon & Dorothy Moreing moved to Bures. They purchased Fysh House,
100 acres of farm land, Salamander and No`s 14 & 15 Cuckoo Hill Cottages.
This was originally occupied by the owners
of Fysh Farm before the property was sold. The current owners of the farm
now live at Gt Bevills
The property dates back to approx 1750 and
was then a substantial Victorian property, possibly with a thatched roof.
Servants quarters were at the rear. Major re-furbishment was carried out
in 1913 with additional major repairs in 1983/4.
Fysh House was originally known as Fish House, perhaps it contained
`fish ponds` ?
Fysh House, circa
Fysh House to the
rear with ornamental gardens
At one stage it was owned by Charles
Dupont (1844
He was the grandfather of Clifford Dupont who was a Rhodesian politician
who served in the internationally unrecognised positions of Officer
Administrating the Government (from 1965 until 1970) and President
of Rhodesia from 1970 to 1976.
He was aslo the son of John Dupont,
Ironmonger in Bures
the Bures Dupont family tree
Stables behind
Fysh House, still in use 2018
top of Moat Farm Lane. |
Salamander at
the entrance to Moat Farm Lane
Tennis Court and Spinney
which still belongs to the previous owners (Lean family) of Salamander.
This is located to the right down Moat Farm Lane adjacent to the
stables |
This property dates back to the
time of Fysh House or even before. This would indicate it was built circa
The field on which it was built, was known as " Parlour Inn Field",
could this have been another beer house?
The house in the background, was built after the war as additional farm
worker accommodation.The
original property was the `cart house` for Fysh House, Early in the century
a fire occurred which destroyed most of the buildings but part of the
property survived.
It was re-named to
Salamander, the name derived from a `mythical creature which rose from
the ashes`
14 & 15 Cuckoo Hill Cottages
Left hand side up Cuckoo Hill
These were two separate farm workers
cottages, before the conversion we see today. Purchased
from Col Inyr Probert by Captn Moreing 31/12/1945, as part of the farm
Mrs Dorothy Moreing (widow) sold this property on 22/04/1971 to a Mr M
Mitchell, releasing it from Fysh House Farm ownership.
Mr Mitchell sold this to Mr &Mrs Jones on 30/08/1973. It then became
known as "Springtime".
Possibly converted into one property at this time, due to new naming.
Mrs & Mrs Jones sold this on the Mr R Lucas and Miss L Bowditch on
23/09/1983. It changed its name again to "Roseneath"
Mr & Mrs Lucas (nee Bowditch) sold this to Mr & Mrs Thompson on
26/04/1985. Name changed to "Cuckoos Nest"
Mr & Mrs Thompson sold this to Mr & Mrs Morgan with aunt Sylvia
Small on 25/09/1987.
Mr & Mrs Read, purchased property in 1992.
Circa 2019 new owner
It`s still possible to see the canopy
where the right entrance door used to be located.
Bert Clarke
Night Soil Man
Late 1940`s to mid 50`s
George Austin
Farm worker
On one side of the cottages,
lived Bert Clarke. He generally helped on the farm and gardens. He was
originally the `Village Night Soil`
man who collected `waste and effluent` from the village households. He
stabled the horse in the black barn along the track, between the farm
and Clickett Hill. He was still in active use until about 1953.
The `waste` he collected, was disposed off locally into a man made pit,
along the track between the farm and the barn.

Bert Clarke on Binder,
may have been taken at Fysh House Farm

Taken outside Fysh
and 4 Fysh House Cottages
Turn right top of Cuckoo Hill
Capt. Moreing proceeded to farm the 100 acres he purchased, together
with another rented 100 acres still owned by the Probert family. His
main asset was a superb herd of Red Poll cattle, now a rare breed,
initially for milk, and then later for displaying at farm shows.
Later a pair of
houses were built for the farm foreman and Herdsman, pair
of semi-det farm cottages, top right of Cuckoo Hill.
Known then as 3 & 4 Fysh House CottagesA
dairy and farm buildings were then erected on Fysh House farm site
as it exists now. Today, the old dairy stands on your immediate right,
as you enter the farm entrance.
The farm during the late 40`s grew cereal crops, sugar beet and a
dairy herd of cows.
Major John Lean was the farm manager and lived along the Nayland Rd,
near to Jane Walker Hospital.
Ambrose Farm Manager (dec)
New rented 2021
Bill Ottaway Herdsman
new residents
Later stables and a
pair of cottages were constructed down Moat Farm
lane. These accommodated the Groom (Jack Rutt) and Chauffeur (Harry
The Chauffeur
kept the limousine in a garage attached to Fysh House.
Bass (Chauffeur)
owned by Guy Jones, Tree Surgeon.
Rutt (Groom)
by David Rutt
Update on Harry Bass:-
Harry Bass and his wife Edith, were my great grandparents and
I have many fond childhood memories of visiting them at Fysh House Cottages,
playing in the garden, having access to the grounds of Fysh House including
the tennis courts and stables and was delighted to read this article
which bought memories flooding back. I also have very vague memories
of the Rutt family.
Harry and Edith had a daughter Gwen who married John Hockley and they
had two children, Madeline (my auntie who now lives in Luddenfoot, Yorkshire
with her husband, she has a daughter and son and 3 grandchildren) and
Micheal (my dad who is married to Sandra, they have me and my brother
and 2 grandchildren.
Gwen and John lived in Colchester most of their married lives after
a short spell in Morden Surrey. After Harry's death, Edith remained
at Fysh House Cottages up til the age of 98! My parents moved to Cornwall
in 1986 and Gwen followed shortly after, it was only when Edith could
cope no longer that she moved to Cornwall to live with Gwen, she had
a wonder life and finally left this earth when she was the grand old
age 105!! She was an extraordinary woman.
Sadly Gwen died shortly after leaving just my immediate family in Cornwall
and my aunts in Yorkshire.
Courtesy of Lorraine Hockley, Cornwall
last farmworkers property to be built on the farm
Like the others these
were two separate farm cottages, before conversion to one large house.
Now called Cuckoo House and privatley owned
Fred Hunt
Len Bantick
Percy Feveyear
Barry KIng
Farm Workers
Farm worker
privately owned
Staff at Fysh House

Unfortunately we have
no names for these farmhands
The Moreings had
no children, but John Lean (now dec, who lived at Salamander) was
their nephew.
After the Capt. died, John Lean (& his wife) moved into Fysh
House to look after his aunt.
When Mrs Moreing eventually died, they both continued to live in
the property for a further few years.
Fysh House
farm was eventually put up for sale, ( see left) when John &
Estelle moved next door back into Salamander.
Richard Probert ( now dec) subsequently purchased the farm. By this
time, 15 workers were employed on the farm.
Fysh House was later put up for sale and subsequently purchased
by the present owner Mr R Grindell in 1983.
After the death of John Lean, Salamander was sold in 2003
Fysh House Farm 2003:-
Today, all of the farm work is put out to specialist contractors. None
of the farm buildings now hold any livestock, instead they have been split
up into individual units sub-let to private individuals.
The farm now houses many diverse small industries, ranging from woodturning,
reclamation yard, builders, packaging, furniture making etc
Information supplied
D & K Frost/David Rutt/S & J Read
Col R Probert, Mr R Grindell
George Austin & Dennis Ambrose
Lorraine Hockley at Cornwall
Major update 17/11/2014
update 20/01/2015
updated 20/06.2020