Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet


Colchester Road or Ambrose Garage - First Planning Application

Planning Application submitted to Braintree District Council,
for the erection of two detached and one semi-detached properties

April 2018

Previous Planning applications - details no longer available on BDC web site

11/01349/FUL | Continued use of vehicle washing facility |
Former Ambrose Garage 7 - 9 Colchester Road Bures Hamlet Colchester Essex
Recommended for Approval


Planning Decision Notice

Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved - cease car
wash use, demolish part single, part two-storey console building, workshop and flat,
remove canopy and hardstanding, and fell three trees, erect 2 no. detached and 2 no.
semi-detached dwellings and associated car ports, adjust ground levels and lay out
parking, amenity areas, private drive and landscaping (landscape only reserved)

C Ambrose Motors 7 - 9 Colchester Road Bures Hamlet Essex CO8 5AE

Location Plan Plan Ref: 17/12/01
Existing Site Plan Plan Ref: 17/12/02
Proposed Site Plan Plan Ref: 17/12/03 Version: B
Proposed Plans Plan Ref: 17/12/04 Version: A
Carport / Cartlodge Details Plan Ref: 17/12/05 Version: A
Tree Plan

The Braintree District Council as local planning authority has considered your application
and gives notice of its decision to REFUSE planning permission in accordance with the
above plan(s) and for the following reasons:

1 The Local Planning Authority considers that the limited area covered by the
sequential test is unacceptable and that given the application site's status as within
Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3, alternative sites within the District, with a lower
probability of flooding could accommodate the proposed residential development.

The proposal therefore is contrary to the provision of paragraphs 155 to 161 of the
NPPF (2018) and Local Plan Policy RLP66 .

2 The development could not take place without causing detrimental impact to the
character of the site by way of introducing back land development to the site, out of
character with the existing development layout in this part of the village contrary to
Policies RLP3, RLP9, RLP10 of the Local Plan, and Policy CS9 of the Core Strategy and the NPPF. In addition, the deep span and roof design for the proposed plots 1
and 2 result in a form of development whose bulk and scale would detract from the
setting of the neighbouring listed building and the character of the Conservation
Area, contrary to policies RLP95 and RLP100 of the Local plan and Policy CS9 pf
the Core Strategy.

3 Plots 3 and 4 both contain first floor bedroom windows in their front elevations,
which would offer potential views into the private gardens belonging to No.5 and
No.11 Colchester Road, and therefore would be detrimental to the amenity the
occupiers of these dwellings currently enjoy, contrary to Local Plan Policy RLP90
and guidance from the NPPF.

A full description of this document can be viewed on the BDC web site

Informal talks are being held with the land owner, to find a way forward in re-developing this site

Published 01/08/2019