Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet


Colchester Road or Ambrose Garage - Revised Planning Application

Planning Application submitted to Braintree District Council,
for the erection of two detached properties

December 2018

Application Approved

Revised Planning Application

18/02253/OUT |
Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved - cease car wash use, demolish single-storey front projection and convert workshop and flat into Live/Work Unit (Use Classes B1/C3), remove canopy and hardstanding, and fell three trees, erect 2No. detached dwellings to front and construct car ports, adjust ground levels and lay out parking, amenity areas, private drive and landscaping (Landscape Only Reserved) |

C Ambrose Motors 7 - 9 Colchester Road Bures Hamlet Essex CO8 5AE

Application Received Mon 17 Dec 2018
Application Validated Mon 17 Dec 2018
Address C Ambrose Motors 7 - 9 Colchester Road Bures Hamlet Essex CO8 5AE

Proposal Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved - cease car wash use, demolish single-storey front projection and convert workshop and flat into Live/Work Unit (Use Classes B1/C3), remove canopy and hardstanding, and fell three trees, erect 2No. detached dwellings to front and construct car ports, adjust ground levels and lay out parking, amenity areas, private drive and landscaping (Landscape Only Reserved)

Status Application Permitted
Decision Application GRANTED
Decision Issued Date Tue 16 Apr 2019


Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved -

cease car washuse, demolish single-storey front projection and convert workshop and flat intoLive/Work Unit (Use Classes B1/C3), remove canopy and hardstanding, and fell threetrees, erect 2No. detached dwellings to front and construct car ports, adjust groundlevels and lay out parking, amenity areas, private drive and landscaping (Landscape Only Reserved)

C Ambrose Motors 7 - 9 Colchester Road Bures Hamlet Essex CO8 5AE

Location Plan Plan Ref: 17/12/01
Proposed Plans Plan Ref: 17/12/06
Proposed Site Plan Plan Ref: 17/12/03 Version: E
Proposed Elevations and Floor Plans Plan Ref: 17/12/04 Version: C

The Braintree District Council as local planning authority hereby gives notice of its
decision to GRANT planning permission in accordance with the above plan(s) and
subject to the following conditions and reasons:

1 Details of the:-

(a) Landscaping of the site

(hereinafter referred to as "the reserved matters") shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by the local planning authority before any development takes
place and the development shall be carried out as approved.

Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the local planning
authority not later than [3] years from the date of this permission.

The full description of this decision can be viewed on the BDC web site

June 2019
Site on offer for £450,000

Published 16/4/2019