Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet



Bures connection with the Pilgrim Fathers who emigrated to
New England in the early 1600`s

The MayFlower Story

"The Mayflower" set sail from Plymouth in 1620, taking the Pilgrim Fathers to America.

The Mayflower was the Vessel which transported the English Separatists better known as the Pilgrims, from Southampton, England, to Massachusetts.
With their religion oppressed by the English Church and Government, the small party of religious separatists who comprised about half of the passengers on the ship, desired a life where they could practice their religion freely.

The Mayflower was built locally in Harwich, it may well have been constructed in the Dockyard which is still in use today, by RORO ferries to Scandinavia
The Dockyard built many ships for the Navy, including HMS Conqueror which captured the French Admiral Villeneuve at the Battle of Trafalgar.

Sadly this Dockyard with all it history, is soon to be demolished and replaced with hundreds of residential properties

Captain Christopher Jones house is within a few minutes walk of the yard.
It can clearly be seen at the end of Kings Head Street, standing near to the Quay of the Harwich Harbour Ferry

It`s planned to have this Open to the General Public ready for the 400th anniversary.

The vessel left Plymouth on September 6, 1620 and after a grueling 66-day journey, the ship dropped anchor at Cape Cod on November 11.
It carried 102 passengers with a crew of around 130.

On March 21st 1621, all surviving passengers, who had inhabited the ship during the winter moved ashore and on April 5th, the Mayflower, subsequently returned home to England.

Additional Information on the Mayflower

The Bures Connection

In 1630, a large group of Puritans decided to emigrate to the Americas, and they were known as part of the Winthrop Fleet

Why did so many local families emigrate from around out local area to America ?
Herbert Pelham snr of Ferriers Bures, finding himself increasingly dissatisfied with the High Church proclivities of the government decided to emigrate. He offered to give passage to any villagers who wished to join him.
In 1630 Pelham and the three families embarked in the James Winthrop Fleet, landing three months later in Salem, Massachusetts.
Herbert Pelham and Thomas Waldegrave, were among the "Adventurers," or founding investors, of the Massachusetts Bay Company.

Winthrop:- John Winthrop (1587/8 - 1649)

John Winthrop was a wealthy English Puritan lawyer and one of the leading figures in the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the first major settlement in New England after Plymouth Colony. Winthrop led the first large wave of migrants from England in 1630, and served as governor for 12 of the colony's first 20 years of existence.
Born (Edwardstone)into a wealthy landowning and merchant family, Winthrop became Lord of the Manor at Groton in Suffolk before emigrating.
(Groton being only 7 miles from Bures)

The Winthrop Fleet.
Eleven vessels brought ' the Great Emigration' of 1630

1."Arabella" - The Flagship designated Admiral.......... (Passengers)
2 Talbot - designated Vice Admiral ...........(Freight & Livestock)
3 Ambrose-designated Rear Admiral .............(Passengers)
4 Jewel-designated Captain .............(Passengers)
5 Mayflower.................A different vessel from the 1620 Mayflower (Freight & Livestock)
6 Whale ....................(Passengers)
7 William & Francis................... (Freight & Livestock)
8 Success.................. (Passengers)
9 Hopewell ..................(Freight & Livestock)
10 Trial ..................(Freight & Livestock)
11 Charles ..................(Freight & Livestock

Note:- Ships named the Mayflower were very common, at least 26 Mayflowers have been recorded in Ports in the UK around the 1600`s
Ref:- R.G.Marsden

The first five ships sailed April 8 from Gt Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, and arrived at Salem, Mass. June 13th 1630
The other half of the fleet sailed in May and arrived in July of that year.
Altogether they brought about seven hundred passengers of whom the following are presumed to have been on these ships.

The Knopp family who made the journey to the New World

Knopp or Knappe family name

The spelling of the Knoppe family name was quite variable in the English and American records, and can be found as Knope, Knop, and Knapp as well as Knopp,
Hilton Cass, California

William Knopp

On the Flagship "Arabella" were the Knopp and Parke family:

It is confusing as the records indicate there were two William Knopp
(1) There is William Knopp 1555-1640

(2) and also William Knopp 1580-1658, son of Thomas Knopp and Alice Howlett who married Judith Tue and subsequently Priscilla Akers.

William Knopp was baptized on January 1, 1580 at Bures St. Mary, Suffolk, England.
On January 11, 160
7 at Wormingford, Essex he married Judith Tue. (b 1580 d 1657)
William and Judith immigrated from Bures St. Mary to Watertown, Massachusetts in 1630, with their seven children on the Winthrop Fleet.
Documents record William as "Carpenter"

Elizabeth Knopp
was christened on 10 July 1608 in Wormingford, Essex, England.
She never emigrated but stayed In Bures and subsequently died on 23 February 1662 in Bures St. Mary.
Elizabeth married John Buttery and had one child

William Knopp 1610/1-1676 Born in Wormingford, Essex, England on Feb 1611 to William Knapp and Judith Tue.
William married Mary. He passed away on 25 Sep 1676 in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA.

Mary Knopp 1613-1658 Born in Wormingford, England on 1612 to William Knapp and Judith Tue.
Mary married Thomas Smith of Watertown. She passed away on 1658 in Watertown, Massachusetts

Ann Knopp 1618-1657 Born in Wormingford, Essex, England on Dec 1618 to William Knapp and Judith Tue.
Ann Knopp married John Philbrick (b1616) . She passed away on 20 Oct 1657 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA

John Knopp 1623-1696 Born in Wormingford, Essex, England on Jan 1623 to William Knapp and Judith Tue.
John married Sarah Young. He passed away on 9 Apr 1696 in Middlesex, Massachusetts

James Knopp 1631-1695 Born in St Marys Bures, Suffolk, England on 1631 to William Knapp and Judith Tue
James married Elizabeth Warren and had a child. He passed away on 1695 in Groton, Massachusetts

Judith Knopp Born in Bures St Mary, England in 1629 to William Knapp and Judith Tue
Baptized at Bures St. Mary, 16 July 1629, and married Nicholas Cady c. 1650. in Wormingford Church
The Church is where 5 of her 8 children were baptized,
Judith died 1668 in Groton, Massc

Dates for Nicholas & Judith fluctuate wildly on the net
Reference:- English Origins of William and Judith (Tue) Knopp of Watertown, Massachusetts by Clifford L. Stott)

Notes on William Knopp (1580):-

William married for the second time to Priscilla Akers, (b1592) on 20th June 1651 in Watertown Mass
Priscilla was the widow of Thomas Akers/Acres and bore no children
William d. 30th Aug 1659, Watertown, MA
Priscila D 1634 in Watertown. MA

Nicholas Cady who made the journey to the New World

It is uncertain where Nicholas was born, circa 1618 but we can speculate it was either Bures or Groton
He must have lived locally because at the age of only 12 years he was a carpenters apprentice to William Knopp who lived in Bures St Mary.
Nicholas is definitively recorded as travelling to New England as a minor in 1630 with William Knopp, as a carpenter's apprentice.

We know for sure that Nicholas Cady was a carpenter, as was William Knopp, who came from Bury St. Mary or close by.
It is quite reasonable to assume that Nicholas Cady, a younger son, might have been bound out as an apprentice to Knapp, as was the custom of the time, and that he might have been allowed to migrate with his master to America, as many others had done.
We know that Nicholas was very intimately connected with the Knopp family for some years before his marriage with Judith, the daughter of
William Knopp

Nicholas and Judiths children
John Cady 1650/51 -
Judy Cady 1653 -
James Cady 1655 - 1690
Nicholas Cady 1657 - 1657/58
Daniel Cady 1659 - 1736
Ezekiel Cady 1662 -
Nicholas Cady 1663/64 -
Captain Joseph Cady 1666 - 1742


The Knopp family who made the journey to the New World

Nicholas Knopp

Then we have Nicholas Knopp (abt 1606 - 1670).
His place of birth, if you follow the research on the internet, ranges from Wells in Norfolk, Ipswich, Bures and Mount Bures.
Some sites advocate he married Elinor both coming from Wells, this is totally fictitious.
We know for a fact, Nicholas married Elinor Locked, from Coombs, Suffolk (b1611 - d1658), they were both recorded as Passengers on the Withrop Fleet, 1630.
Also on the same Fleet of vessels that left England, was Elinors father, wife and children who were recorded as passengers
Namely:-Lockwood, Edmond, Lockwood Elizabeth, and Lockwood Robert ( possibly more children)

Once settled in Watertown, Nicholas and Elinor had nine children:
Jonathan Knapp (1631 - 1631
Timothy Knapp (1632 -
Joshua Knapp (1635 - 1684
Caleb Knapp (1636 - 1675
Sarah Knapp Disborough (1638 -
Ruth Knapp Ferris (1640 -
Hannah Knapp (1642 -
Moses Knapp (1645 -
Lydia Knapp (1647 -

He is recorded by some ill informed researchers to be a Medicine Man from Bures
This ridiculous assumption may well stem from this report
Knapp is fyned 5 pounds for taking upon him to cure the scurvy by a water of noe worth nor value which he solde att a very deare rate, to be imprisoned till hee pay his ffine or give secuitye it, orelse be whipped and shall be liable to any mans ac’cn of whome hee hath receaved money for the s’d water. Mr. Will’m Pelham and Mr. Edward Lockewood both promised to pay the court the sum of five pounds for Nich. Knapp before the first court of May next.
Massachusetts Bay Company Records 1630-31

Others maintain he was a Weaver, which seems more credible but unsubstantiated

One Life at a Time: A New World Family Narrative, 1630-1960

It seems that he may well have been born in Bures/Mount Bures as the report states his fine was part paid by William Pelham.
William Pelham`s grandfather was Herbert Pelham of Ferriers

William Pelham was the person responsible for Nicholas Knapp who belonged to his company, and that Mr. Edmund Lockwood was his Deputy, thus the reasons for paying the fine.

Now we find Nicholas being employed by William Pelham

After Elinors death in 1658, Nicholas married a second time in 1659 to Unica (b possibly 1615 England) in Stamford, CT.
No definitive surname has been found for Unica and this would have been her 3rd marriage.
No1 to Clement Buxton. died of possible Malaria 1657
No 2 to Peter Brown, died within one month of marriage in 1658
No3 to Nicholas Knapp
Currently no more is know about this latter union and Unica died 1670

No family relationship seems to have been determined between Nicholas Knopp and William Knopp, yet both originated within the Bures area.

Some experts assert, as they spelt their surnames differently they were not of the same family.
William was Knoppe or even Knopp, whilst Nicholas was possibly spelt Knappe

**This theory can be dismissed as the spelling of the Knoppe family name was quite variable in the English and American records, and can be found as Knope, Knop, and Knapp as well as Knopp,
**Ref:- Hilton Cass, California

Was he born in Mount Bures ?
Here we can find Katherine, possibly "Knopt" or "Knope", yet more derivations of the family name

Ref:-The Great Migration Begins by Robert Charles Anderson
This is an abridged version of the main book, just detailing the Bures connection.
There appears to be a great confusion on some web sites as to the children of Judith Tue and Priscilla Akers

The Parke family who made the journey to the New World

Robert Parke, b June 1580 in Bures, d1644 Roxberry Conneticut
Martha Parke
(nee Chaplin) b1855 Semer, Suffolk and married Robert 1601


1. William Park, b.1607, Semer, Suffolk, d.1685, Roxbury, Suffolk CO, MA (Age ~ 81 years)

2. Samuel Park, b. Between 1606 and 1608, Bures, d.unknown

3. Ann Park, b. Between 1610 and 1612, Bures, Suffolk,, d.1641 (Age ~ 31 years)

4. Thomas Park, b.1615, Bures, Suffolk, d.1709, Preston, New London CO, (Age ~ 94 years)

Robert Parke, wife Martha, son Thomas and 3 more children arrived in America with the (Arabella) Winthrop fleet March 29, 1630. Robert returned to England the same year, carrying an order by Governor Winthrop to his son John, in England, to "pay money which is in my possession" and may be the earliest bill of exchange in America. It is not known just when Robert returned from England, but on April 9, 1640, he was made freeman at Wethersfield, Connecticut.

Passenger List of the Arabella
(1)Parke, Robert Probably from Bures, co. Suffolk, or vicinity. Born about 1585 .
May be related to Edward Parke who called Winthrop 'a cousin'

Parke, Martha (Chaplin) Wife of Robert

(3)Parke, Thomas Son of Robert.

(4)Parke, _____ Child of Robert

(5)Parke, _____ Child of Robert

(5)Parke, _____ Child of Robert


The Winslow family who made the journey to the New World

Another of the religious Pilgrims on the Mayflower were Edward Winslow married to Susanna (White) Winslow.
Although Edward & Susanna were not residents of Bures (but Droitwich) when they emigrated, they had a close connection with the Pelham family.
Whilst in America they had a son Josiah, b 1629 in Plymouth MA.
Josiah Winslow was subsequently Governor of Plymouth Colony from 1673 until his death in 1680.

Josiah Winslow travelled back to the UK abt 1651 and eventually married Penelope Pelham of Ferriers, during 1657 in London, England.

In 1649, the Pelhams returned to England.
In London in 1651, Penelope married Josiah Winslow (the son of Mayflower passengers Susanna White and Edward Winslow,a resident of Plymouth Colony,'

Ref:- http://www.genealogy.com

The Pelham family who made the journey to the New World

penelope pelham



Memorial in Marshfield, USA to:
Edward Winslow and his wife Susanna
Josiah Winslow and his wife Penelope
and others

Penelope Pelham was born and baptised in Bures in 1633, the daughter of Herbert Pelham and Jemima Waldegrave of Smallbridge Hall.
was the daughter of Thomas Waldegrave and Margaret Holmstead from Smallbridge.

Herbert married Jemima on October 13, 1626 in London, Middlesex, England

Herbert Pelham "agreed to invest in the Winthrop project with his father-in-law Thomas Waldegrave.
So he decided to emigrate to the Americas with Jemima and his daughter Penelope.
Penelope Pelham (1630-1703) would gave only been 9 yrs at this time
The marriage was short lived, as Jemima died either during the voyage or shortly afterwards in 1639

It seem within a few months (before 1640)on arriving in New England, Herbert
married Elizabeth Bosville,
Herbert Pelham, a lawyer and aristocrat, became the first treasurer of Harvard College in 1643.

In one of Herbert`s letters to John Winthrop, Governor of Massachusetts Bay, he called Edward Winslow 'a cosen.
This indicates that both the Pelham (Bures) and Winslow families were known to each other.

In 1646, the Pelhams returned to England, without Penelope.

Josiah Winslow returned to England in 1651 and while in England, married Penelope Pelham from Bures.
Josiah Winslow (was the son of Mayflower passengers Susanna White and Edward Winslow)
Penelope and Josiah then returned to New England where she died in 1703.
Josiah became Governor of Plymouth Colony from 1673 to 1680

Josiah and Penelope children were:
Elizabeth Winslow b1664 Plymouth, Massachusetts
Edward Winslow b1667. Plymouth, Massachusetts
Isaac Winslow b 1670 Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts
(possibly more)

Death and burial of Herbert, Josiah and Penelope Winslow (Nee Pelham)

Herbert returned to England in the ship "Supply" on 9 Nov. 1646, and lived at Bures, Essex. "In 1654 he represented Essex in Cromwell's Puritan Parliament." His wife Elizabeth died before 25 Aug. 1659, and Herbert was buried at Bures, Essex
1st July 1674

Josiah Winslow died on December 18, 1680 in Marshfield, Massachusetts Bay Colony at about age 51. In his will, dated July 2, 1675, he had named his wife Penelope, then age 47, as his estate administrator.
In remembrance of her husband, Penelope had Boston silversmith John Coney place a lock of his hair in a mourning ring. After her husband’s death, Penelope continued to live at her home, Carswell, with her children Elizabeth and Isaac, who were still quite young.

Penelope Pelham Winslow died on December 7, 1703, at age 70. Both Josiah Winslow and his wife Penelope were buried in the Winslow Cemetery in Marshfield, which has a memorial to Josiah’s father Edward Winslow, who died at sea, and was the burial place of Josiah’s mother, Susannah.

Link to more information on Herbert Pelham

After the successful trip of the Mayflower, many other ships followed the same route.
Here we have other families with a Bures connections who (possibly) sailed on the vessel "Rebecca".

The Parmenter family who made the journey to the New World

John PARMENTER was born about 1588 in Little Yeldham.

John Parmenter later moved to Bures St. Mary, Suffolk, and married in Bridget Daveye in 1609.
About the time of his father's death which may have been related to his trade
. Probate records indicate that both he and his son, John Jr. were tailors.

John Parmenter, his wife Mary and a few friends, sailed from London to the Massachusetts Bay on the vessel "Rebecca" in 1638/39
He sailed with his wife, Bridget, and children, Mary and John. Accompanying the family was Elizabeth Loker, widow of Henry Loker, and two of her sons, John Loker and Henry Loker.
In 1639, John Parmenter was recorded as an Attorney, acting for Elizabeth Buttery, daughter of William Knopp
He was then made Freeman of Sudbury, Massachusetts on 13 May 1640.

Mary PARMENTER, daughter of John Parmenter was born in 1610 in Bures St Mary.
She married John Woods, Oct 10 1633 in Bures St. Mary.
Strangely, records indicate he did not travel with his wife Mary from Yarmouth
However, other documents show John WOODS, a pin-maker by trade, arriving in America at age 26 in 1635 aboard the vessel 'Hopewell,'
They certainly met up again, because his "Will", dated Nov. 26, 1677 names his wife Mary, his three sons and daughter Katherine as beneficiaries.

The French family who made the journey to the New World

Here we have other emigrates with Bures connections who sailed on the vessel "Arabella"

FRENCH Family from Assington
(Included as Assington is our adjacent Parish)

Thomas French, Sr., christened 11 Oct 1584 at Bures St. Mary, Suffolk County, a son of Jacob, m. Susan French (nee Riddlesdale) 5 Sep 1608 in Assington.
Both Thomas and Susan emigrated in 1635 to Ipswich.
Thomas d. 5 Nov 1639 in Ipswich, MA


Additional children are listed as passengers on the Winthrop Fleet
No embarkation dates found, so they may not have all travelled together.

Thomas French Jnr immigrant to Boston and then Ipswich, Massachusetts, was baptized 27 November 1608, at St. Edmund's Parish in Assington, died at Ipswich MA 8 August 1680
Married Mary Scudamore, Died May 6, 1681 in Ipswich, Mass

Alice French was baptized 9 April 1610, at St. Edmund's Parish in Assington. Died June 26, 1666 in Topsfield,Mass
Married Thomas Howlett b1605 Assington. Died December 22, 1677 in Topsfield, Mass

Dorcas French
was baptized 31 July 1614 at St. Edmund's Parish in Assington. December 30, 1697 in Roxbury, Mass
Married Christopher Peake. Died May 23, 1666 in Roxbury, Mass

Susan French
was baptized 22 April 1616 at St. Edmund's Parish in Assington. Died April 25, 1616 in Assington,

Anne French was baptized 15 March 1617 [1617/18] at St. Edmund's Parish in Assington. Died March 15, 1618 in Assington,

Margaret French was baptized 12 March 1619 [1619/20] at St. Edmund's Parish in Assington. Died Nov 1635 Ipswich, Suffolk, Mass.

John French was baptized 26 May 1622 at St. Edmund's Parish in Assington, Married Freedom Kingsley.
He was granted administration of his mother's estate in 1658
Died February 1, 1697 in Northampton, Mass

Mary French
was baptized 6 Jan 1624 [1624/5] at St. Edmund's Parish in Assington. Died February 1, 1696 in Northampton, Mass
Married George Smith. Died March 30, 1675 in Ipswich, Mass

The Philbrick family who made the journey to the New World

Another local family emigrated circa 1634, so they wouldn`t have been part of the Winthrop Fleet

The following name has many derivations:-fffilbrick/Filbrick/Filbrig/Felbrigge/and Philbrick

Thomas Fylbrigg, b.circa 1540 Bures St Mary, Died Bures 1633, aged approx 93 years
Marriage 1574 at Bures St Mary to Elizabeth Philbrick

Elizabeth Philbrick
b. 1554, Bures St Mary. d. 24 Apr 1619, Bures St Mary

The couple had several children which included a son Thomas

Thomas Philbrick was baptized on 23 September 1584 in Bures St. Mary
Thomas Philbrick married Elizabeth Knopp,(b1594) daughter of William Knopp and Elizabeth Reade, on 4 June 1615 in Bures,
William Knopp born possibly Bures and buried Bures 1627. Elizabeth b Bures 1563 and d Bures1593
This William is not the William who emigrated in 1630

Thomas and Elizabeth more than likely emigrated around 1634, after his father Thomas passed away in 1632/33, as Thomas the son was one of the lucky ones to receive an allotment of land in Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1635.

This date can also be justified, as the records show his daughter Martha was baptized in September, 1631, in Bures St Mary and Thomas was fined in Court on Oct. 12, 1631, for converting a tenement into multiple cottages.

Hannah PHILBRICK-1625 -1699
John PHILBRICK- 1616 -1657 married Ann Knapp ( 1618 - 1657) . John Died October 20, 1657 in Hampton, New hamps
James PHILBRICK 1619 -1674 married Anne Roberts
Mary PHILBRICK-1662 -1702
Elizabeth PHILBRICK-1621 -1676/77
Thomas PHILBRICK- , Jr. Born about 1623. He married Ann Knapp (1632-1669 daughter of William Knapp Jnr. Died November 24, 1700 in Hampton, New Hamps
Margaret PHILBRICK , was baptized on 30 November 1628 in Bures St. Mary, Suffolk,
Martha PHILBRICK- . Born on 1631 at Bures. She married (1) John Cass and then (2) William Lyon, of Rowley, Massachusetts, on 30 November 1676

Acknowledgement to Hilton Cass from California, descendant of Martha Philbrick

The Loker family who made the journey to the New World

Henry Loker Snr was baptized in Bures St Mary, Suffolk on 7 Feb 1576/7.

Henry married Elizabeth (French) in 1605, at age 24 at Bures
Elizabeth b1580 in Assington

Henry died in Feb 1630/1; aged54. Buried on 25 Feb 1630/1 in Bures St Mary, Suffolk. Occupation: glover.

They had two children born in Bures with two others in MA
1. Henry Loker. Born in prob. by 1610 in prob. Bures St. Mary, Eng. Henry died in Sudbury, MA on 14 Oct 1688; he was 78
2. John Loker. Born in prob. Bures St. Mary, Eng. John died on 18 Jun 1653 in Sudbury, MA
3 born MA
4 born MA

Consequently Elizabeth Loker emigrated with her two sons, Henry and John.
Elizabeth passed away in March 1648, at age 67 in Sudbury, Massachusetts.

Records indicate that for some time, Henry used his Mothers name Riddisdale before changing it to Loker
Henry Riddlesdale, alias Loker, married Elizabeth (not French). There is no evidence that Elizabeth, wife of Henry Loker, was born a French.
Ref:- https://www.geni.com/people/Elizabeth-Loker/6000000013226913219


We do know that both the Knapp family and the Philbrick family were both Puritans and that the Knapp family crossed the Atlantic in 1630.
The "Arbella" was the flagship of the Winthrop Fleet. John Winthrop,( born at Groton)the leading Puritan leader of the Massachusetts Bay Company, sailed on board the "Arbella" when she and three (Ambrose, Hopewell, Talbot) other ships sailed from Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight on April 8, 1630.

On May 1630, a further seven ships sailed from the Isle of Wight:: Charles, Jewel, Mayflower, Success, Trial, Whale, William and Francis.
In total, the eleven ships were carrying some seven hundred passengers.



Researched on Google by Alan Beales
Ref:- http://www.olivetreegenealogy.com/ships/nengships1620-1640.shtml

Updated 13/12/2016
Updated 01/02/2017
Updated 08/07/2019
