Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet



Bures Mill

Wind and WaterMills at Bures

Bures Mill 2003

Records indicate that Bures had a multitude of WaterMills and two WindMills

These were most likely locations:-

WindMill No1
On the field opposite Dunstead House along the Sudbury Road
This field was known as Eldemellfield or Old Mill Field

Windmill No 2
In a field opposite Hill Farm on the Lamarsh Road sometime during the 17th century
Located in Upper Windmill Field owned by Ferriers Farm


WaterMill No1 ( Records 1341)

One belonged to the Manor of Tany at Chapel Barn. This was known as a "Winter Mill" as it was not workable during the summer as the water source lacked any substantial flow
Located somewhere in the area between Chapel Barn and Fysh House

WaterMill No2 (Charter 1090)
This was located at Smallbridge Hall and known as the SmallBridge Mill

WaterMill No3 (records 1341)
Located at Hold Farm along the Nayland Road and fed by the Assington Brook.
In the mid 17th century the Mill was converted to the Farmhouse we see today

WaterMill No4 ( 1st Official reference 1331)
Located at Bures Mill belonging to the Manor of Netherhall

WaterMill No5
A map of 1600 clearly indicates a Tudor Mill at Ferriers, powered by a spring fed pond

WaterMill No6
Hill Farm along the Lamarsh Road, evidence still exists of the Mill Pond, mid 19th Cent

WaterMill No7
Known as "Curdmill" dated approx 13th, lies along the North embankment of the Stour near Staunch Farm
See Mount Bures

Extracts from "Wind and WaterMills" by Leigh Alston,

Mount Bures had two Windmills and two WaterMills
Visit the Mount Bures web site for more information of their Mills

Acknowledgment to Ida Mcmaster, Mount Bures Historian
updated 28/08/18