Horseshoes :- Church Sq.
Still trading as a PH
1844: Samuel Death
1851: Samuel Death (Master Blacksmith)
1865: John Death (beer retailer0
1869: John Death
(Beer retailer)
1869: John Death(Beer retailer)
1871: + Arthur Death Son/3yr
1871: + Ellen Death Daughter/7yr
1871: + Margaret Death Wife/31yr
1871: + Mary Death Daughter/4yr
1871: + Walter Death Son/1yr
1871: John Death (blacksmith & licensed victullar)
1874: John Death (beer house)
1879: John Death (Beer retailer)
1881: + Alfred Death Son
1881: + Alice Death Daughter/7yr
1881: + Arthur Death Son/12yr
1881: + Eliza Death Daughter/8yr
1881: + Margaret Death Wife/39yr
1881: + Mary Death Daughter/14yr
1881: + Maurice Death Son/5yr
1881: + Walter Death Son/10yr
1881: John Death (Innkeeper & Gardener)
1888: John Death (Beer retailer & brewer)
1891: John Death (Head/Married/56yr)
1891-1892: John Death (Beer retailer & brewer)
1900: John Death (beer retailer)
1901: John Death Head/Married/69yrs)
1911: John Death (Innkeeper, Horse Shoes, Head/80yrs)
1912: John Death (Beer retailer & brewer)
1916: John Death (Beer retailer & brewer)
1922: Arthur Death (Beer retailer)
1933: Arthur Death (Three Horseshoes PH)
1937: Arthur Death
(Three Horseshoes PH)
NOTE:- this has always
been documented as a 17ct building.
However one Bures resident has informed me the shop
(previously a Co-op Store) on the corner and the entire
row of buildings were built circa 1620
The Queens House:-
Church Sq, formerly a 17th Century Coaching Inn,
Changed in 2007 to become residential property.
1773 - Samuel Coker
1839-Geo Hurrel
1864 Charles Chinnery
1869 Elias Layzell
1874 Foyster Howlett
1885 George Cousins
1891George Sergeant
1892 George Sargent
1912 Rudolph Ungless
1912 Ernest Golding
1916 George Fayres
1922 Frank Dessant
1925 Frank Dessant
1939 Jenkins
1961 - 1981
Ethel Pink ( see also Crown Public
1981 > - 2 other
licencees before finally becoming a private residence
Journal Newspaper
April 10th 1773
Whereas the house
of Samuel Coker of the Queens Head at Bures being
broken into on the 3rd inst and two silver tankards
etc stolen-this is to give notice that a handsome
reward will be given for information by me Samuel
Gazette 1912
Ernest Edward Golding lately residing and carrying
on business at the Queens Head Hotel, Bures...............

1885- William Hume
1869-William Carter
1874 - William Carter
1891-William Hume
1892 - William Hume
1900-Mrs Emma Hume
1904-1922-Henry Joseph Lunnis
1925-Samuel Lambert
1929-1922-Harry Rafferty
1939-1947-Mrs, DeLaine
Closed 1971
One Bell :- Located in Nayland Rd.
Demolished many years ago. Now residential properties.

History of the Eight
In Ida Mcmaster Book
"Mount Bures its Lands and its People" she
makes reference to a Police Constable Cook arresting
Sam Collis for Murder
Sam Collis was a frequent visitor to the Eight Bells
Inn dated 1705
In 1920 the Colchester
Brewing Co took over Charrington Nicholls with their
East Hill brewery plant with 50 pubs including the
Eight Bells.
Other local Nicholls
pubs included the White Hart at West Bergholt, The
Swan at Chappel, The Sun at Lexden, Bird in Hand at
Earls Colne and The Shoulder of Mutton at Aldham
In 1925 the pub was
owned by Ind Coope (Romford Brewery) who in that year
bought out 214 pubs owned by the Colchester Brewing
Company. The Ind Coope sign was not used until 1927,
sometime later George Bolton took over as licensee
and motor engineer at the Petrol Station next door
The current Licensee
Mr and Mrs Amos purchased the property in 1992
Courtesy of Ian Stratford
Eight Bells:- Colchester Rd.
Still trading as PH.
the full list of Licensee`s here
(2) Details of a refurbishment in 1974
Swan :- Station Rd.
Now a Residential Property
1769 -registered as beerhouse
at Chelmsford RO
1848/Elizabeth Turner/Victualler
1855/Mrs. E. Turner
1861/John Rawlinson
1862/John Rawlingson
1867 > 1878 /Mrs. Maria Rawlingson
1881 > 1882 John Rawlingson
1886 > 1898 /Enos Page Baxter
1899/E. P. Baxter
1901/Frederick W. Baxter
1902 > 1933 /Frederick William Baxter
(1933+ records no longer available)
Closed down circa 2013

disastrous fire was narrowlv averted in the early
hours of Wednesday morning the Crown Inn. Bures. Licensee
J. Nunn was awakened by smoke in his room and upon
making further investigations found the lower rooms
filled with smoke.
Groping his way downstairs he discovered flames issuing
from the chimney piece in the large room at the rear
of the bar. whilst everything was smothered in soot.
Rushing into the yard he procured pail of water and
dashed it on the flames, which were quickly subdued,
not before, however, woodwork in the room had been
severely scorched. The outbreak is attributable to
smouldering soot which had accumulated in the chimney.
Thursday March 28th

Crown PH:- Located in High St.
Now residential property
1869: Charles Goody
( also Shoemaker)
1871: Charles Goody+Fanny Goody Daughter/8yr
1871: Charles Goody+ Susanna Goody (Wife)
1871: Charles Goody Head/47yr
1874: Charles Goody
1879: Charles Goody
1881: Charles Goody +Frances Goody Daughter/18yr
1881: Charles Goody + Susan Goody Wife/56yr
1881: Charles Goody Head/57yr
1888: Charles Goody
1891-1892: Charles Goody
1891: Charles Goody, Head/66yr
1900: Charles Goody
1901: Charles Goody Head/75yr
(Charles Goody was owner
from 1869 - 1901, total of 32 yrs)
1904: Alfred Barnard
1911: John Nunn Head/Married/51yr
1912: John Nunn
1916: John Nunn
1922: John Nunn
1933: Arthur Shead
1937: Arthur Shead
1947 Dorothy Taylor
1947 - 1961 Ethel Pink
Pink took over the licence from Dorothy Taylor in 1947
- 1961 & when it closed she took over the licence
at the Queens Head till November 1981 when she retired
at the age of 78. She died 4 days after her 80th birthday
in May 1983.
Courtesy of Joan Nutland, her daughter)

Suffolk Free Press January

Refurbishment work after
the Angel was sold
Angel:- Located in High St.
Now residential property (Angel House)
1783 - Mrs Martha Duffield (decd).
1814 - Mr Farrow (dec 04/1814)
1814 -(05/1814) Mrs Farrow
1815 - Angel Advertised To Let
1830 - Stephen Shaw (Pigots Dir)
1839-Charles Humphrey
1844-Charles Humphrey
1854 - Angel advertised To let
1855- Joseph
1861- 1869 James Pilgrim
1871 Agnes Pilgrim (dau)
1871 - Ann E Pilgrim (wife of James)
1871 - Basil Pligrm (son of James)
1871 -1879 James Pilgrim
1881 - Agnes Pilgrim (dau of James)
1881 - James
1888 - Mrs Mrs Elizabeth Ann Pilgrim
1891- 1901 Mrs Eliza Ann Pilgrim
1904-Basil Pilgrim
1911- 1916 - Robert Green
1916- Robert
1922: Edward
1933: Geo Hy Jn Everitt ( uncertain of Surname)
1937: Geo Hy Jn Everitt
1939: Ernest Currie
Dec 1942: Harry Hooker
Late 1942 - 1959:
Arthur Reader
Possibly vacant until it finally closed
in 1961
Ipswich Journal
October 11th 1783
To be sold by auction a Inn called the Angel situated
in Bures, Suffolk.---good dwelling house with exceedingly
dry cellars-large brew office-dairy-granary-stables
with large yard leading to the adjoining river Stower
which is most advantageously situated for loading
and unloading goods.
Suffolk and Bury Free Press 25 Oct 1783
Lot 1 that complete
well accustomed inn now in full trade called the Angel
in Bures
late in occupation of Mrs Martha Duffield
(decd). Consisting of a roomy dwelling house,
exceedingly dry cellars, large brewing office, diary,
granary, stables, and other offices, large yard leading
to river Stowe.

Property dates back
to 1705
1841-John and Sarah
Elleston or Thomas and Susannah Scowan **
(1841 Census not that clear)
1841: Thomas Scowen
(Beerhouse Head/60yr) **
1844: Thomas Scowen (Beerhouse Keeper) **
1851: William Scowen (Beer Shop, Head/Married/40yrs)**
1855: William Scowen (Beerhouse Keeper,) **
1861: William Scowen (Innkeeper, Head/Married/51yrs)
1865: William Scowen (Beer retailer) **
1869: William Scowen (now shown as White Horse)
1871: William + Agnes M Scowen Daughter/15yrs
1871: William + James Scowen Son/12yrs
1871: William + Mary Scowen Wife/52yrs
1871: William Scowen Head/60yrs
1874: William Death]
1879: John Beard
1881: John Beard + Ann Beards Wife/57yrs
1881: John Beard + Emily Beards Daughter/17yrs
1881: John Beard + Frederik.
Beards Son/14yrs
1881: John Beards Head/81yrs
1891: Golding
Hume Head/Married/74yrs
1891-1892: Golding Hume
1885 Sarah Beard
1900: Golden Goody
1901: Golden Goody Head/Married/29yrs
1904: Arthur Goldsmith
**Although the records
give no address, it`s most likely the Scowens
were at the White Horse
to other information on the Scowen family
White Horse, Cuckoo Hill. circa 1869 - 1904
Now White Horse House opposite Friends Field.
Meadow/Essex Knoll:- a
map of the village dated 1898 show an "Inn"
on the land adjacent
to Bridge St